Grunt Check

NOTE: After Spring 2017, we are not using Grunt as often, but instead we are switching to eslint, prettier and webpack. As a result, you should skip this section.

As always, use Grunt to make sure your code is properly formatted. If you have not yet completed the GruntCheck assignment, do so before you turn this assignment in. The point is that you will need to understand the Grunt Check assignment before you can complete this assignment.

NOTE: Previously, in Grunt Check, I said “in this and all future projects” be sure you code passes grunt check. I will take off points if your code is clearly improperly formatted. Grunt check was created to help you do the right thing. It is easier, I think, if we run it than if we don’t. To make it work, of course, you need .jscsrc and Gruntfile.js plus a package.json file. But these are boiler plate at this time.