React Get Address

We should:

  • Download a set of adddress from the website The address are in JSON format.
  • Create a program that generates about 100 addresses based on the JSON you downloaded.
  • Discover how to use the addresses in CongressAddress. In particular, use these addresses to update address-list.js and/or address-list.json.
  • Turn in the program, with code that shows your ability to use the addresses in CongressAddress.

Do your work in a folder in the root of your project call GetAddress.

Get the Addresses

curl > govtrack-address.json

Study govtrack-address.json until it makes sense.

Install Debug

If you have not done so already, enter the following code to install the frequently used debug package:

npm install –save debug

Read about it here:

If you get this error: Error: Cannot find module ‘debug’ then that probably means you skipped this step and install debug with npm as shown above.

Write Utility

Create a package.json file:

npm init

Then just follow the prompts.

Then in get-address.js:

const fs=require("fs");
const debug = require('debug')('get-address');

debug('Testing debug');

function readFile(fileName, callback) {
    'use strict';

    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        fs.readFile(fileName, 'utf8', function(err, fileContents) {
            if (err) {
                'result': fileContents

function getAddress(value, char) {
    'use strict';
    return value.substring(0, value.lastIndexOf(char) -1);

function getZip(value, char) {
    'use strict';
    // return value.substring(WHAT GOES HERE?, WHAT GOES HERE?);

function getCity(value, char, len) {
    'use strict';
    const start = value.lastIndexOf(char);
    return value.substring(start, start + len);

function writeIt(label, value, noComma) {
    const comma = noComma ? '"' : '",';
    console.log('\t\t' + '"' + label + '": ' + '"' + value + comma);

    .then(function(objectReturned) {
        debug('We don\'t get a string back but an: ', typeof objectReturned);
        debug('The object has a property:', Object.keys(objectReturned));
        debug('The type of the property is:', typeof objectReturned.result);

        var json = JSON.parse(objectReturned.result);
        debug('We were able to parse the JSON.');
        debug('Total records returned:', json.meta.limit);
        debug('First person found', JSON.stringify(json.objects[0];
        const jsonLength = json.objects.length;
        for (var i = 0; i < jsonLength; i++) {
            const open = (i === 0) ? '[\n\t{' : '\t{';
            writeIt('firstName', json.objects[i].person.firstname);
            writeIt('lastName', json.objects[i].person.lastname);
            writeIt('street', getAddress(json.objects[i].extra.address, 'W'));
            writeIt('city', getCity(json.objects[i].extra.address, 'W', 13));
            writeIt('state', json.objects[i].state);
            writeIt('zip', getZip(json.objects[i].extra.address, ' '));
            writeIt('phone', json.objects[i].phone);
            writeIt('website', json.objects[i].website);
            writeIt('email', '');
            writeIt('contact', json.objects[i].extra.contact_form || '', true);
            const close = i < jsonLength - 1 ? '\t},' : '\t}\n]';
        debug('all done');
    .catch(function(e) {

Note that you won’t see the debug unless you first execute this line at the bash prompt:

export DEBUG=’get-address’

Then you can run the program:

node get-address

At the start of the main method I point out that we get an object rather than a string back. That is as expected, but you need to be aware of that fact. In the debug statement I’m trying to draw your attention to this issue.

The line that says “We were able to parse the JSON” is valid because JSON.parse would blow up if it failed, causing the catch block at the end of code to be triggered. In other words, if we could not parse the JSON, then this line would never be reached:

debug('We were able to parse the JSON.');

If we did get that far, then the odds are that we could parse the JSON.

Some example output:

	firstName: "Lamar",
	lastName: "Alexander",
	street: "455 Dirksen Senate Office Building",
	city: "Washington DC",
	state: "TN",
	zip: " 20510",
	phone: "202-224-4944",
	website: "",
	email: "",
	contact: ""
	firstName: "Roger",
	lastName: "Wicker",
	street: "555 Dirksen Senate Office Building",
	city: "Washington DC",
	state: "MS",
	zip: " 20510",
	phone: "202-224-6253",
	website: "",
	email: "",
	contact: ""
	firstName: "Timothy",
	lastName: "Kaine",
	street: "231 Russell Senate Office Building",
	city: "Washington DC",
	state: "VA",
	zip: " 20510",
	phone: "202-224-4024",
	website: "",
	email: "",
	contact: ""

In the LearnLocalStorage assignment, I explain how to convert the output of this program to JSON.

Turn it in

Add, commit, push, then tag and/or branch.

We want to be able to either:

  • The primary goal is to produce a valid JSON file called address-list.json containing all our addresses.
  • It would also be good to produce a valid address-list.js file

If you can do either, that would fulfill the requirements of the assignment. If you can do both, that would be even better, but it is not required.

See also, this portion of the

Hint Tagging

Pad Number

var padNumber = function(numberToPad, width, padValue) {
    padValue = padValue || '0';
    numberToPad += '';
    if (numberToPad.length >= width) {
        return numberToPad;
    } else {
        return new Array(width - numberToPad.length + 1).join(padValue) + numberToPad;