
Allow the user to pop up a dialog and edit a record. Something very much like this code should be added to both the SmallAddress program and in your Final.

Create Files

  • components/AddressEditFields
  • components/AddressEdit

Create Fields

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import TextField from '@material-ui/core/TextField';

class AddressFields extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                    label="First Name"
                    onChange={e => this.props.addressChangedByUser('firstName', e)}
                // YOU ADD A LASTNAME TextField

AddressFields.propTypes = {
    addressChangedByUser: PropTypes.func,
    address: PropTypes.shape({
        firstName: PropTypes.string,
        lastName: PropTypes.string

export default AddressFields;

Create a Dialog

Start with a simple React component called AddressEdit:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button';
import Dialog from '@material-ui/core/Dialog';
import DialogActions from '@material-ui/core/DialogActions';
import DialogContent from '@material-ui/core/DialogContent';
import DialogContentText from '@material-ui/core/DialogContentText';
import DialogTitle from '@material-ui/core/DialogTitle';
import AddressEditFields from './AddressEditFields';
import addressList from '../address-list';

const styles = {};

export default class AddressEdit extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (
                <h1>I am Simple</h1>

Add a Dialog

In the DIV of the render method delete the H1. Add this instead:

import Dialog from '@material-ui/core/Dialog';

Create a Dialog Title

We are going to add several sections to the Dialog. Here is the overall flow, which I will build piece by piece in the next sections of this text:

  • Dialog
    • DialogTitle
    • DialogContent
      • DialogContentText
      • AddressEditFields
    • DialogActions
      • Button
      • Button

It’s important to get the components nested properly. We create a Dialog, then put a DialogTitle, DialogContent and DialogActions inside it. Inside of DialogContent we have DialogContentText and AddressEditFields. Inside of DialogActions we have two Button components.

Let’s start by adding the DialogTitle. In the body of the Dialog so can have a title for our dialog:

<DialogTitle id="form-dialog-title">
    Edit Address

Define Dialog Content

In the Dialog body below the DialogTitle add this:

       Fill in the fields of the address record.

NOTE: The text “Fill in the fields…” etc is an instruction to the end user, not to you, the developer.

In the DialogContent, below the DialogContentText (after it, not inside it), add the AddressEditFields. It will take two props. Study the AddressEditFields object and calculate the two props that need to be passed in:

<AddressEditFields // YOU ADD THE PROPS />

To close out the body, define the DialogActions:

    <Button onClick={this.userCanceledDialog} color="primary">
    // You add an Ok button where onClick calls
    // this.userClosedDialogNormal

The Action

Above the render method add these methods:

state = {
   open: this.props.open,
   address: addressList[0]

userClosedDialogNormal = () => {

userCanceledDialog = () => {

addressChangedByUser = (v, e) => {
   this.props.address[v] = e.target.value;
   this.setState({ address: this.props.address });

We tend to declare state in a constructor, but I see a lot of developers write code like that shown above.

At the very bottom define props.

Call Dialog

In AddressShow, in the render method, do this:

render() {
    const {classes} = this.props;
    const editDialog = this.state.editOpen ? (
    ) : (

    return (

        <div className={classes.container}>
                onClick={() => this.setState({editOpen: true})}

For this to work, there needs to be a bit of Boolean state called editOpen that is initialized to false. By default, editDialog is just an empty DIV. But if the user sets editOpen to true with a button click, then our AddressEdit component is defined. The syntax looks a bit funky, but this is just a simple JavaScript if statement of the shortcut persuasion. It uses conditional, or ternary, operator.

Turn it in

Push, tag, Let me know directory and tag.

Data Cycle

We should pull data from CongressServer only once with the Get Address List button. Then we push it to IndexedDB with the Convert Address button.

From there we use the Sync button to push it to CouchDB. Once it is in CouchDb, then we get notified of of updates whenever we are in Sync mode.

Of course we can start the cycle again at any time by completely clearing Storage in the browser and deleting the database from CouchDB.

If you are in “Sync mode”, that is, if you first push the Sync button, then when you Save your work, it will be saved both to IndexDB (in the browser) and to CouchDB.

The best way to see this is to open your to the same record in two browsers. For instance, one copy in Chrome and the other in FireFox. Now put them both in Sync mode. Then start editing a record you should automagically see the change in both browsers when you make the change in one.

Create Index doesn’t copy the whole database, it just creates an Index on the LastName field.

When we Sync with CouchDb the first time, our App will send both the current data, including updates and deletes, and it will also send the Index on last name. Thereafter it will sync both to and from CouchDB, only the changes.