
By: Charlie Calvert

Learn how to write [Jest][jest] tests with the npm packaged called create-react-app.

A deck to accompany this assignment is here:

This document has some sections in it not found in deck, so view both documents.

You need only follow the instructions found on the Deck from the first link above. You should do the ESLint section. It’s best to also setup the ElfDebugEnzume.js bits. Unless you want to. We will cover both of those subjects in class soon.


create-react-app is probably already on your system in ~/npm/bin. That directory should be on your path in the default Pristine Lubuntu system.

If create-react-app is not on your system, then install it like this:

npm install -g create-react-app

Make sure you are on the latest version:

ncu -g

If any globally installed apps are outdated, then reinstall them:

npm install -g create-react-app

While we are at it, update JsObjects:

git pull

If you want to be a bit more thorough, do this instead or in addition to the above:

git pull


When running tests, you may get an ENOSPC (Not Enough Space or something similar). Let’s try to fix this problem up front. The explanation of what you need to do is here:

Set the Default Port

Load your .bashrc file into an editor and add this line near the bottom of the file, if it is not already there:

export PORT=30025

Some of our programs will use this as the default PORT on which to run.

NOTE: We might want to run some programs, especially Express programs, on some other port than 30025, such as 30026. Note that they will default to the port set in the manner described above. As a result, we will sometimes need to take steps to ensure they run on the port we want. One technique is to define the port in package.json:

"config": {
    "port": "30026"

Then in www/bin:

const port = process.env.npm_package_config_port || 30026;

Get Started

If we are using branches in your class, switch to your Week0X branch, where X is the current week.

  • Navigate to the root of your repository
  • Issue this command:
    • create-react-app weekxx-react-address, where xx is the number of the current week of this quarter.
  • Open up the project in WebStorm
  • Set WebStorm to use JSX, React and ES6
    • File Settings Languages and Settings JavaScript React/JSX
  • If you get lots of JsHint, EsLint or other errors, for now, just disable them:
    • File Settings Languages and Settings JavaScript Code Quality Tools Tools

Sanity Tests

Create a folder called src/tests. Move App.test.js into it.

Navigate into the src/tests directory and run get-gists. Select the ElfDebugEnzume option.

Working in any directory that is part of your project, install Enzyme and elven-code:

npm install --save-dev enzyme react-test-renderer enzyme-adapter-react-16 elven-code prop-types

While we are on a role, let’s install Material UI as well:

npm i @material-ui/core @material-ui/icons @material-ui/styles

Open up a new tab and start running your tests: npm test. There is only one test at this point. If it is not passing, do what you need to do to make it pass.

Create a folder called src/sanity-tests/. Navigate into it. Run get-tests and choose Address React Tests. When you are done you should have a file called something like Sanity.App.test.js in your sanity-tests folder.

All of the tests in this file use xit to skip tests. In other words none of the tests are active at first. We will activate bit by bit as we build the app. To begin, change the first four tests from xit to it. They should all be passing.

New App.js

Let’s replace the default create-react-app React component with one of our own.

  • Navigate into the src directory
  • Run get-gist
  • Select option N: Simple React Class Component

This downloads a file called ElfApp.js. Let’s replace the default create-react-app React component with the one we just downloaded.

  • Delete App.js and use WebStorm to rename ElfApp.js to App.js.
    • WebStorm should have automatically changed the name of the class in our file from ElfApp to App
  • Open App.js and confirm that the class found in it is called App. If it is not, then manually rename the class from ElfApp to App.

Load the Material UI Typography:

import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography';

Change the text for the H1 element in the control to use Typography and to read Welcome to Elf Address:

<Typography variant="h5" gutterBottom>
    Welcome to Elf Address

This heading is still inside the DIV returned by the render method. (I could be clearer, but I want you to have a think at least a bit here.)

Finally, let’s use the Material UI withStyles option. This is more than a little confusing at first, but the fundamental idea behind it is simple: we want to start writing CSS in our JavaScript rather than in a CSS file. Frankly, I’m not yet in love with this system, but ALL of the Material UI examples use it, so it is easier in the long run for us to play along.

There are four steps:

  1. Start near the top by importing withStyles
    • Declare your CSS using the CSS in JS style of programming
    • Pull the classes property from our props,
    • Modify the export statement to create what is called a Higher Order Component (HOC).
import { withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

const styles = theme => ({
    root: {
        flexGrow: 1,
    paper: {
        padding: theme.spacing.unit * 5,
        textAlign: 'center',
        color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
    typography: {
        color: theme.palette.primary.dark
    button: {
        margin: theme.spacing.unit,

class App extends Component {

  render() {
      const {classes} = this.props;      // STEP THREE
      return (...)

export default withStyles(styles)(App);  // STEP FOUR

Now activate the renders and reads Typography heading text sanity test.


React can do some type checking on the props that get passed in. It does it with a tool called ‘prop-types’. It is probably already installed on your project, but just in case:

npm i 'prop-types';

Then import it into App.js:

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

And finally, declare your props near the bottom of the file, just before the export statement.

App.propTypes = {
    classes: PropTypes.object.isRequired

More information is available on this very valuable page.


On the theory that one might as well be hung for sheep as a goat, let’s go ahead and create our own theme, which will allow us to take advantage of the styles system.

Overwrite the code in src/index.js with this:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css';
import App from './App';
import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';
import {MuiThemeProvider, createMuiTheme} from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import purple from '@material-ui/core/colors/purple';
import green from '@material-ui/core/colors/green';

const themePurple = createMuiTheme({
    typography: {
        useNextVariants: true,
    palette: {
        primary: {
            light: purple[300],
            main: purple[500],
            dark: purple[700]
        secondary: {
            light: green[300],
            main: green[500],
            dark: green[700]
    <MuiThemeProvider theme={themePurple}>
    , document.getElementById('root')


Now you have them made of purple and green colors. Apply the them to our Typography element:

<Typography className={classes.typography} variant="h5" gutterBottom>Welcome to Elf Address</Typography>

Now the text should be purple because of these lines in our styles object:

typography: {
    color: theme.palette.primary.dark

Finally, let’s wrap our heading in some Paper and set its color by using the paper rule from styles:

import Paper from '@material-ui/core/Paper';
    <Typography className={classes.typography} variant="h5" gutterBottom>
        Welcome to Elf Address

At this point you should umcomment the renders Paper test.

To see our theme, just use the paper rule from our styles

<paper className={classes.paper}>

Now the paper should be purple, or green, or something besides white. The text should also now be justified.

Declare State.

Once you know how to test for static HTML generated by your React component, then next step will be to test the dynamic code, the code that changes when you – for instance – press a button. Let’s begin by adding a constructor to your the React component found in src/App.js.

The constructor is a function on your component. React calls is it before it mounts the component. Call super() first or else the this variable will not be valid in the constructor.

class App extends Component {
   constructor() {
       this.state = {
            address: {firstName: 'unknown', lastName: 'unknown', state: 'unknown'}

React will keep your state variables up to date in your UI if you display and play by certain rules. In particular, when you change these variable, use setState as described later in this chapter.

In render, display the state

In our JSX, we:

  • Create a second sheet of paper
  • Style it not with a className
  • Display our state in a react expression defined with curly braces.
<Paper className={classes.paper}>
    <Typography className={classes.typography} variant="body1" gutterBottom>{this.state.address.firstName}</Typography>

Define a function called getFile

We declare an arrow function function in our component called getFile. Inside it, we call setState. The setState call can take an object literal defining the new state.

getFile = () => {
    console.log('getFile called.');
    this.setState({address: {firstName: 'Patty', lastName: 'Murray', state: 'Washington'&#125;&#125;);

Create a Button

In our JSX, we:

  • Declare a button
  • Give it not an HTML onclick attribute, but a JSX onClick attribute
  • And use a react expression, defined with curly braces, to call getFile when the button is clicked.
<Paper className={classes.paper}>
        Get File


Eslint should be installed globally in ~./npm/bin.

Add this .eslintrc.json file to your project. Use the system with git-gist that is outlined here to install eslint support in the base of your project. Just read the automate section. You don’t need to read through the entire assignment unless you interested.

Run it like this:

eslint .

If the code returns with no errors, you are done. If you see errors, do your best to fix them. Note that you can often fix errors simply by typing eslint –fix .

The get-gist utility returns my latest eslint configuration files. To see my current working .eslintrc.json file, go here.


If we use the Developer Tools in thhe browser at runtime to see code material-ui ultimately generates we might note that it ends up creating P elements for at least some of our Typography calls and I think they sometimes also use H1, H2, etc, depending on the variant you have assigned to the Typography element.

All this is great. We should be looking at the code generated at run time and we should be using the debugger to peer into everything we can see. So all is good when we use the elements page of the Developer tools and view our code in action at runtime. One of the key themes of this course is that we must use the Developer Tools and its elements, console and debugger pages extensively to save time and effort during development.

However, the debugger is not the only way to get insight into the code generated by our React components. A second technique is to use Enzyme to view not our final HTML, but our JSX.

Here is a (somewhat simplified) call to see the JSX code that a component called Qux generates:

const wrapper = shallow(<Qux />).dive();

NOTE: My actual called to create Qux looked like this, but much of this beside the point for this example: const wrapper = shallow(<Qux queryServer={() => {}} {…props} />).dive();.

Notice that I use dive. This is necessary if we use withStyles. If you are not using withStyles than you probably won’t need to dive.

The call shown above is probably the call that I make the most often when trying to debug my tests. Here is the output it generates:

Enzyme Debug output showing JSX from our component

In the image shown above, I’m still using the standard JSX (and HTML) button element rather than the material-ui Button component.

Here are two simple tests to see if you can find Typography elements used in your components.

it('Uses a JSX typography element', () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<Qux queryServer={() => {&#125;&#125; {...props} />).dive();
    const typographies = wrapper.find('WithStyles(Typography)');

it('displays a JSX Typography heading', () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<Qux queryServer={() => {&#125;&#125; {...props} />).dive();
    const heading = <Typography>Qux</Typography>;

The first tests just checks that we are using at least one Typography element somewhere in our component.

The second method checks for a heading and uses containsMatchingElement rather than contains you can ignore any of the attributes (such as variant) on the Typography component.

Turn it in

Place your work in your repository if it is not already there. Merge your finished project into master.

Push your repository. Go to GitHub or BitBucket and ensure that the code you want to turn in is actually in your repository and that it contains the files and folders you expect it to contain.

Find the assignment on Canvas and submit it. Add text that states the name of the folder where you placed your assignment. A link to your folder on GitHub/Bitbucket is nice.

For most of the assignments, I’ll just say something like: “Put your work in your repo and push,” or simply “Push your work”. That’s a shorthand for something along the lines of what I’m saying here.