
The midterm is an an extension of the SystemCheck and SystemCheckRefactor assignments with perhaps an element or two from the AWS Provision assignment.

The goal will be to create a program that will allow us to query both the status of the current system, and a system running on EC2. The code should compile cleanly with no errors or warnings from prettier or eslint.

The screenshot is designed only to give you a general idea of where I would like to take this program. I haven’t finished my version yet, so this is incomplete, but it gives you a good starting point. If you imitate this look and feel you should not have to undo anything, only add more.

Midterm System Check Interface

Get Started

We have spent a lot of time learning how to automate steps in our work, so I’ll ask you to start again from the beginning again.

  • Update JsObjects
    • slb
    • ./CreateSynbolicLinks (needed for semver-inc)
  • Navigate back to your repository
  • Branch: midterm
  • Folder: midterm
  • Navigate into folder
    • get-gist and choose Elven Create Concurrently
    • Run elf-concur, choose s for server

After you are done:

  • elf-tagger “starting midterm” “midterm”

So part of the midterm is having a commit and tag made with elf-tagger and dated later than Wednesday, Oct 31 at 3:00 PM.

Eslint and Prettier

Install eslint and prettier

  • get-gist and choose Run ESLintRc and Prettier
  • echo ‘build’ > .prettierignore
  • Run prettier, and it should clean both client and server.

We set up .prettierignore because we need to avoid trying to run prettier on our client/build directory.

We also need to get eslint working. As a start, put **public/static** into .eslintignore. The goal is to be able to run the following command and have it come back quickly and cleanly: eslint .. If the command takes more than a few seconds to run, you probably need to add something else to .eslintignore.

To run eslint: eslint .. You may need to:

 npm i -g babel-eslint eslint-plugin-react

In .eslintignore:

/public/static/ service-worker.js precache-manifest.*.js


  • cd server
  • Run get-gist and run Elven Node systemd Tools
  • Open setup-environment-service in WebStorm.

Here are the settings:

export SYSTEMD_DESCRIPTION="Midterm Service"

Add MIDTERM_PORT to both .bashrc and /bin/www. You need to export it from .bashrc.

export MIDTERM_PORT=30035

NOTE: Ultimately, we may want to put these exports in .my_bash_aliases.

Execute run-setup-service and confirm that it works. Use the q key to exit if necessary.

Push and Tag

At this point, you should again check that you have completed the [Script Master Push and Tag] assignment.

Push and tag:

elf-tagger "Completed Midterm setup phase" "midterm"


Use meld to copy the key files from SystemCheck or other projects into this project.

  • server/routes/script-pusher.js
  • server/routes/run-ssh.js
  • client/src/App.js

I’ll leave it up to you how to edit app.js. The act of requiring new files from the routes directory should be fairly easy for you by this time.

There are two files that are helpful:

run-ssh.js (aka ssh-runner.js)

The script-pusher.js file is in Ec2CopyFile.html.

The core of run-ssh.js aka ssh-runner.js is in AwsRunSshScript.html:

The next section after the one I link above describes how to create ssh-runner.js or run-ssh.js. Whatever we call it. (Sorry about confusion on naming.) I’ll go with run-ssh.js as the official name.

Radio Buttons

We want to create an interface that will allow us to query both the status of the current system, and a system running on EC2. See the screenshot at the beginning of this document for some hints as to what I want.

Add or modify the radio buttons in your src/App.js to render put this before the return statement in render:

const radioWeb = (
    <div className="container">
        <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
                <div className="elf-form-field">

                    <label htmlFor="elf-radio-cpu">CpuInfo</label>

                    <label htmlFor="elf-radio-version">Version Info</label>


                <div className="form-group">
                    <button type="submit" className="btn btn-primary">Run System Script</button>

The fieldset and it’s legend visually bind together the form elements by putting a box and title around them. Each radio input control is bound to a label. The binding occurs because the label’s for and the input control’s id values match. Because for is a reserved word in JavaScript, JSX uses htmlFor rather than for. But at runtime it is rendered as for, which is proper HTML. Here is the generated runtime code for one of the labels:

<label for="elf-radio-uptime">Uptime</label>

I have to decided to create a convention for this about that the value of each input control is where you put the code that executes on the server. This is not magic, and it would not work this way in another program, but it works here because we make it work. Here is the attribute in context when we declare it:


In the handleChange method shown a bit later in this program you will find the code that picks up on this property and saves it to our React Component’s state:

const selectedValue = event.target.value;

In other words, if you set value attribute of the radio button to CpuInfo then we:

  • Save it to our state when the user selects the radio button
  • Pass it to our server if the user submits our form.

The CpuInfo script will be executed on the server side. The server uses a whitelist to ensure that only safe calls can be made from the client. We will discuss how to set up this whitelist later in this document.

Modify render

Put this in the render method:

    <button onClick={this.runFoo}>Run Foo</button>

The key point is the JavaScript JSX expression {radioWeb}. We declared this variable in the previous section of this document.

Handle User Interactions

Here is the code we use to handle the user’s clicks on radio and submit buttons:

constructor(props) {
    this.dataEndPoints = ['/script-pusher/run-script?script=', '/script-pusher/run-system-tool?script='];
    this.state = {
        allData: '',
        selectedValue: '',
        endPointIndex: 0

runScript = (path, script) => {
    const that = this;
    if (!script) {
    fetch(path + script)
        .then(function (response) {
            return response.json();
        .then(function (json) {
            console.log('allData', json.allData);
            console.log('result', json.result);
            console.log('code', json.code);
            console.log('error', json.error);
            let info = '';
            if (json.result === 'error') {
                info = json.error;
            } else if (script === 'CpuInfo') {
                var regex1 = RegExp('model name.*', 'g');
                let array1 = regex1.exec(json.allData);
                while (array1 !== null) {
                    info += array1[0] + '\n';
                    console.log(`Found ${array1[0]}.`);
                    array1 = regex1.exec(json.allData);
            } else {
                info = json.allData;
            that.setState({allData: info});
        .catch(function (ex) {
            console.log('parsing failed, URL bad, network down, or similar', ex);

handleChange = (event) => {
    const selectedValue = event.target.value;
    const endPointIndex = event.target.getAttribute('data-endpoint');
    console.log('HANDLE CHANGE', selectedValue);
        selectedValue: selectedValue,
        endPointIndex: endPointIndex


handleSubmit = (event) => {
    this.setState({allData: ''});
    console.log('A name was submitted: ', this.state);
    this.runScript(this.dataEndPoints[this.state.endPointIndex], this.state.selectedValue);

We want to perform two different types of actions on the server side:

  • Run local scripts that we put in JsObjects or in our own repositories
  • Run system code that is usually located in the /usr/bin directory.
    • This is the system wide bin directory, not the ~/bin found in our home directory.

The point is that programs we want to run in order to get updates on the system status will be located in different places. So we need a system to differentiate between custom scripts in places like JsObjects, and system code found in the /usr/bin directory.

Here is the code I’m using to help sort this out:

this.dataEndPoints = ['/script-pusher/run-script?script=', '/script-pusher/run-system-tool?script='];

Calls to /script-pusher/run-script run code from JsObjects. Calls to /script-pusher/run-system-tool run system utilities. It’s up to you to see how this simple array is used in the program to help sort out this problem.

Here is a different way to think about it. In script-pusher.js we have multiple endpoints that looks something like this:

router.get('/run-script', (request, response) => {...});
router.get('/run-system-tool', (request, response) => {...});

One is designed to help us run scripts found in the SLB directory:

const pushScript = spawn(process.env.SETUP_LINUXBOX + '/' + script);

The other to run scripts found in the /usr/bin directory. (Type which uptime at the bash prompt to see how I found that directory.

dataEndPoints is an array of strings that contains the path to those two endpoints on our server side code. I give you the handleSubmit and handleChange methods which together ensure that the right endpoint is passed to the runScript method (which I also give you.) By creatomg the dataEndPoints array I’m just trying to give you a single place in the code where you can list these, and other other endpoints we use, so that we can look them up, and modify them - if necessary - in a single place.

Middleware Whitelist

Let’s turn now to setting up the whitelist on the server that insures that we do not let a malicious user run some arbitrary script.

Put this code near the top of script-pusher. It defines middleware that will be executed before any of the other routes in script-push. Always set up this middleware first, before defining any other router methods. It sets up a whitelist of validOptions. You must add calls to this whitelist of validOptions before trying to execute them from the client. Otherwise, hackers could execute malicious code. The point is the only the calls CpuInfo, VersionCheck, and uptime will be allowed to execute. For instance, a call to “formate drive c:” would be rejected as an invalid option.

const check = (request, response, next) => {
    console.log('REQUEST CHECK CALLED', request.query);
    const validOptions = ['CpuInfo', 'VersionCheck', 'uptime'];
    if (request.query.script) {
        console.log('INSIDE REQUEST SCRIPT');
        if (!validOptions.includes(request.query.script)) {
            console.log('INSIDE REQUEST INVALID OPTION');
            response.send({result: 'error', error: 'Invalid Option: ' + request.query.script, script: request.query.script});


Notice the call to next(). If that line is not reached, then none of the other routes in the module will ever execute. Notice also the call the router.use(check). This is when we insert our whitelist check into the list of calls that Express will execute before it tries to call any other route defined in this module.

Think of it this way. The client sends a request to execute /script-pusher/cpu-info. Before that calls is routed to its intended destination, the check method is called. If it passes, then the /script-pusher/cpu-info route is called, otherwise, an error is returned and the /script-pusher/cpu-info route is never called.


I’ll talk you through the refactor.


Other than systemd reated issues, I think I see three issues that are central to deployment.

  1. Create a script to automate running the build step in the client.
  2. Create a .gitignore file for the server
  3. Handle the case where we change branches on a deployed app.

The Build Script

You need to create a script called build-copy in the client directory and is designed to be run from the client directory. It begins as usual with:

#! /usr/bin/env bash

Declare a variable called SERVER_DIR that points at the public directory in the server folder. This will be a relative link that starts one directory closer to the root than the client directory : **../**

Now run the build:

npm run build

The next three lines will all use the SERVER_DIR variable. They:

  • Delete the file called precache-manifest*.js from server/public
    • The part where I place the wildcard (*) will differ every time we build.
  • Delete the static directory from the server/public
  • Recursively copy the contents of the build directory into server/public

NOTE: Only write the words server/public once: in the declaration for SERVER_DIR. The rest of the time, when you need to refer to that directory, use $SERVER_DIR. And once again, you will probably want to use a relative path in the definition of SERVER_DIR.

When you are done, you should be able to run the script to perform a build, delete the old files from the SERVER_DIR, and copy in the new ones. It’s not that these steps are hard to do without the script, but that the script makes the task simpler, and saves us from making a typo that might cause trouble when deleting or copying files.

Then: chmod +x build-copy

The .gitignore for the Server

A .gitignore file belongs in the root of the server directory. I think this covers it:


Changing Branches

Once we start a systemd service running, problems can occur if we switch branches in our repository. For things to work smoothly, each branch would need to contain more less identical code for a the directory hosting the service. This is not likely to be the case.

I can think of two solutions:

  1. Copy the code for the program out of the repository and point symbolic link in the ~/bin directory to the copy.
  2. Have two copies of your repository on your hard drive: one in your ~/Git folder in which you do your work, and one in a ~/Deploy folder which contains the code for your services. Always having working code in the master branch and always have the code in ~/Deploy pointing at master.

Of these two solutions, the second seems less likely to cause problems and simplest to maintain. The only draw back is that it takes up more disk space.


We are going to use SSH to access services on one of our EC2 instances. Let’s again use the NPM [ssh2][ssh2] package to help with that process:

npm install ssh2 –save

Now bring over ssh-runner and call uptime on the remote server. I’ll want you to call at least one other service as well. I’ll update this document soon with more information.

Turn it in

Tag and push with script:

  • elf-tagger “Completed midterm” “midterm”

Probably a good idea to include a screenshot as well. Make sure prettier and eslint can be run without generating errors or warnings.
