
Create a Git Ignore Test Docker Micro service that confirms:

  • .gitignore valid in all branches
  • no stray files in any branches

Do your work for this assignment in a week05 branch.

Child Process

Built into node is a module called child_process:

const foo = require('child_process');

NOTE: There is no npm install step to use child_process because it is built in to Node.

There are several methods in child_process including exec, execFile, and spawn. You can use these methods to start a program.

For instance, here is code to run the Linux ls process from a JavaScript node program:

const exec = require('child_process').exec;

exec('ls -la', (error, stdout, stderr) => {
  if (error) {
    console.error(`exec error: ${error}`);
  console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`);
  console.error(`stderr: ${stderr}`);

Save this code into week05-simple-exec/exec-ls.js. Run it so you can see what it does.

Learn about template literals.

Sometimes we also want to run a command in a particular directory, Do it like this:

const exec = require('child_process').exec;

exec('ls -la', {
	cwd: process.env.GIT_HOME + '/isit320-lastname-2019/'
}, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
  if (error) {
    console.error(`exec error: ${error}`);
  console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`);
  console.error(`stderr: ${stderr}`);

Be sure to change lastname to your last name.

Save this code into week05-simple-exec/exec-ls-repo.js. Run it so you can see what it does.

async and exec

All of this is good and well, but as you perhaps know, we are engaged in a process that has several steps and that makes multiple system level calls. In other words, we need to exec a process, get feedback from it, and then exec another process based on that feedback. As you also know, we don’t want to do that inside the kinds of callbacks shown in the above examples.

Fortunately, we don’t have to create our own promises, Node does it for us:

const util = require('util');
const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec);

Then you can use async and await to call your promise in a file called exec-ls-async-await.js:

const util = require('util');
const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec);

async function execList(repoName) {
	const {stdout, stderr} = await exec('ls -la', {
		cwd: process.env.GIT_HOME + '/' + repoName + '/'

	console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`);
	console.error(`stderr: ${stderr}`);


We create an async function by starting it’s declaration with the word async. Inside the function call a promise and proceed it with the keyword await. Read the docs, linked above, for more information.

Immediately Invokable (IIFE)

(async () => {
    await execList('isit320-calvert-2019');
    console.log('ALL DONE');

Which is a fancy way of doing this:

async function doExec() {
    await execList('isit320-calvert-2019');
    console.log('ALL DONE');


Enter Git

Now that you know that basics, you can perhaps fairly easily see how to apply it our task:

const workingDir = 'YOUR_REPO_NAME';

async function checkoutBranch(response, branch) {
    const {stdout, stderr} = await exec('git checkout ' + branch, {
        cwd: workingDir
    const output = stdout;
    console.log('stdout:', output);
    console.error('stderr:', stderr);
    if (response) {
        response.send({result: 'success', response: output.trim()});
    } else {
        return output.trim();

Working with your system-environment project, put the above in a file called routes/exec-git.js. export the function can link it into index.js:

module.exports.checkoutBranch = checkoutBranch;
const {checkoutBranch} = require('./exec-git');

Create a route (endpoint) in index.js and see if you can call your code:

router.get('/checkoutBranch', function(request, response) {
    checkoutBranch(response, 'week05').catch(function(e) {


Behold the beauty of async/await:

async function checkGitIgnore(response) {
    // const branches = await getBranches();
    const allBranches = ['week01', 'week02', etc];

    console.log('ALL BRANCHES', allBranches);

    let branchInfo = '';

    console.log('ABOUT to start CHECKOUTBRANCH');

    // see here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11488129/253576
    for (let i = 1; i < allBranches.length - 1; i++) {
        branchInfo += await checkoutBranch(null, allBranches[i]);
    response.send({result: 'success', branchInfo: branchInfo});

For extra credit, implement getBranches, otherwise, just hard code in the branch names for now.

A demo:

The demo screenshot:

Turn it in

Import checkGitIgnore from exec-git.js. Create a route for it in index.js.

Create a react component with two buttons on it. Call both routes via the buttons and display the results on your react component.

These are the routes I want:

  • /checkoutBranch
  • /checkGitIgnore

They should be in routes/index.js and might look something like this:

router.get('/checkoutBranch', function(request, response) {
    checkoutBranch(response, 'week03').catch(function(e) {



  • branch
  • folder
  • tag


These images are meant as rough guidelines or inspiration, there is no need to duplication them exactly. Indeed you can, within reason, do more or less what you want inside your React components, so long as you display data similar to that shown here. The data matters, not the format, but of course your data probably does not look exactly like mine.

Just starting out, still working inside qux, just checking to see if I can set up some calls that do something with Git.

Docker Composer Git Qux Test

In views/index.pug I had something like this:

h2 Route Tester You Rang


Here is what the Docker Composer assignment looks like once I have System Environment hooked up to Main and able to call /system-environment/getBranches but before I start using React. In other words, I display the output in PRE elements declared in main/views/index.pug and populated via fetch calls found in main/source/control.js.

System Environent GetBranches

After a time I created a single React component and displayed a bit information gleaned from the System Environment container.

Git React Get Branches

Still at a pretty funky stage because out of time, but here we check all branches for things missing from .gitignore and find that .c9 is missing from .gitignore in the week01 branch. (I deleted that one item as a test. I’ll come up with a better test branch later…)

Git React Missing C9

NOTE: When testing, I believe that you sometimes need to do a complete reset and build in order to get Docker to re-clone your repository after you make a test change to some value in, for instance, your .gitignore file on some particular branch. In other words, if I did docker composer up –build when my only change was to some .gitignore file on some branch in my repository, then Docker, quite reasonably, did not see that the repository needed to be re-cloned. At least it did not do so consistently. I have not tested this enough to be sure this is what was going on, but I think this is why my code did not always immediately see the change. The solution seems to be a complete reset and rebuild.

Creating React Components

When creating your React Component, you can borrow code from either week01-react-basics or week03-rest-basics. Those assignments remind you of how to add a React components to an express or create-react-app project.

Docker Log

When getting logs on system-environment I do something like this:

docker logs week04-docker-composer_system-environment_1

The docker log commands are very useful.

To get logs for all the containers in a docker-compose project, go to the directory where your docker-compose YML file is located and do this:

docker-compose logs

Branch Bash Script

Get branch names:

git branch -a | sed -n -e 's/remotes.origin*.//p' | grep -v 'HEAD'

Loading CSS

If you want a program based on React Basics to load CSS files, then you need to run npm i –save-dev css-loader style-loader in Main and add a bit to webpack under module/rules:

       test: /\.css$/i,
       use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader'],

There is an array called rules in webpack.config.js, this is the second item in that array, beneath the test for js files.

Learn more here.

Build Qux (week02-micro)

Set your ssh key in your ~/.ssh directory to rw: chmod 600 YOUR_SSH_KEY

#!/usr/bin/env bash

cp ~/.ssh/YOUR_SSH_KEY qux/.
docker image build -t charliecalvert/micro-qux .
docker container run --name micro-qux -d -p 30027:30027 charliecalvert/micro-qux
docker exec -it micro-qux /bin/bash

And your docker file:

FROM node:latest
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY qux/package.json .
RUN npm install
COPY qux .
RUN mkdir /root/.ssh
RUN chmod 700 /root/.ssh
RUN ssh-keyscan github.com >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
RUN ssh-agent bash -c 'ssh-add YOUR_SSH_KEY; git clone git@github.com:YOUR_GITHUB_USER_NAME/isit320-lastname-2019.git'
EXPOSE 30027
RUN node_modules/.bin/webpack
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]

Remove passphrase:

ssh-keygen -p -f YOUR_SSH_KEY