
Create four HTML elements:

  • An Input Element that allows the user to enter text.
  • A button with an id of set-text and content that reads Set Text.
  • A UL element
  • A button with an id of add-to-list, and content that reads Add to List.

Link a JavaScript file into an HTML page. In the JavaScript page you will add code that:

  • Locates elements you place on your page.
  • Responds to clicks on the set-text button by inserting text into the input control.
  • Responds to clicks on the add-to-list button by adding text from the input control to the UL.

You will also learn how to use a very small JavaScript library.

Get Started

Create a file called assignments/list-button.html in your repository. Use the Emmet ! + tab command to create the basic HTML

Link to your style sheet.

You may need to format the generated HTML. To do so, press these keys: Ctrl + Shift + P. Then type Format Code. Reference

Add Input Control

Create an HTML input control. At runtime, in the browser, the user who is viewing the webpage can type text into this HTML control. To create it, try all three of these Emmet commands so you can understand what they do:

  • Emmet: input:text
  • Emmet: input:text#list-data
  • Emmet: input:text#list-data[name=list-data]

Be sure your controls sets both the name and the id attributes to list-data:

name="list-data" id="list-data"

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Wrap the input control in a FieldSet:

    <legend>Enter a string for our list</legend>
    <!-- Put the INPUT control here. -->

Create the set-text Button

Create a button that has an id of set-text and a type of button.

  • Emmet: button#set-text[type=button]

Create a JavaScript File

Create a file called assignment/list-buttom.js.

Put this content in it:

window.onload = () => {

The code begins with the window.onload event. We do this to ensure our code is called only after our page is fully loaded into the browser. Don’t worry if this doesn’t quite make sense yet. Just be sure you begin with this code:

Now add code that locates our input control and button:

window.onload = () => {
  const userInput = document.getElementById('list-data');    
  const setTextButton = document.getElementById('set-text');

Finally, define what happens when the button is clicked:

window.onload = () => {
    const userInput = document.getElementById('list-data');    
    const setTextButton = document.getElementById('set-text');

    setTextButton.onclick = () => {
       userInput.value = 'The first item for my list';

Finally, let’s link the code into our HTML. At the end of the head element in list-button.html add this code:

<script src="index.js"></script>

Like this:

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <title>Learn about JavaScript</title>
    <script src="index.js"></script>

Now load you page in the browser (Ctrl + O) and see if it works. When you click on the button the text “The first item for my list” should appear in the input control.

Add Library

Here is a very short library. You do not need to understand the code in it. When we use a library, often the whole point is that we don’t need to understand how it works. We simply use the library and gain benefit from it. But we don’t need to understand it to use it anymore than we need to understand how to build a jet plane in order to take a flight to Hawaii. It is a service we use.

Here is the library, which you should save as elf-code.js:

const elfCode = {
    appendToList: (list, value) => {
        const li = document.createElement("li");

This code will allow us to dynamically add a list item (li) to an unordered list (ul) when a button is selected.

After saving the code, a second script tag to the head element in your HTML file. The script element should load elf-code.js and should be placed below the script element that loads list-buttonjjjjjjjj.js. The two script elements will be identical in every way except for the value of their src attributes.

A Second Button and a UL Element

Add a second button with an id set to add-to-list. It’s content (label) should be Add to list:

  • button#add-to-list[type=button]

Beneath it add an empty UL element with the id set to my-list. When the add-to-list button is selected, the text from the input control will be added to the list.

Clicks on Add to List Button

Here is the code for adding the text from the input control to the list. First we get a handle to the button:

const listButton = document.getElementById('add-to-list');    

Put this code at the top of the onload method, just next to the code for getting the setTextButton, userInput and listButton:

const setTextButton = document.getElementById('set-text');
const userInput = document.getElementById('list-data');
const listButton = document.getElementById('add-to-list');

At the bottom of the onload method, add code for responding to clicks on the button:

listButton.onclick = () => {
    const myList = document.getElementById('my-list');
    elfCode.appendToList(myList, userInput.value);

Our onload method now has three parts to it. Each part has its own task:

  • Part One: Use getElementById to retrieve the three controls we are using.
  • Part Two: Handle clicks on the setTextButton
  • Part Three: Handle clicks on the listButton

Like this:

window.onload = () => {
    // Part I here
    // Part II here
    // Part III here

That’s not the code I want you to write, but it shows the structure of the method. Put the code for retrieving the the setTextButton, userInput and listButton in Part I. Put the code for the setTextButton.onclick method in Part II. Put the code of the listButton.onclick method in Part III.

The code that begins with two forward slashes is a comment. The JavaScript runtime will ignore comments. As a result, you can leave them in place if you like, and paste in the appropriate code beneath each comment:

// Part I here
const setTextButton = document.getElementById('set-text');

Turn it In

Test your code and make sure it works. Do the best you can, and then push your code to GitHub. When you turn in the assignment, paste in the URL of your repository and the name of the folder that holds your code.

  • Folder: ListButton
  • Repository: git@github.com:username/username.github.io

You should, of course, paste in the URL for your repository, not the example URL shown above.

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