
Local Storage is a bit like a simple database in your browser that persists between sessions. You can store information in Local Storage in key value pairs. If the user shuts down their machine, then returns a day later, information stored in the browser will still be available when the user returns to your website. Local Storage also works offline, which means the user can access the information even if they have no access to the Internet. (Of course the user has to first visit your site at least once while online, but after that, they can access the data offline at any time.)

Our goal will be to:

  • Insert records with the key formatted like this: elfXXXX
    • For instance, the first record will be elf0000, the second elf0001, etc.
  • Insert an elven-count key set to the number of records in storage.
  • Insert an elven-store key that we can use to check if data has been inserted.
    • If the key is not set, then there is no data for us in Local Storage.
  • Load Data from Local Storage once a Component such as AddressShow is mounted

Get Started

Do your work in your current version of the Address Program. This might be:

  • week05-address-simple
  • AddressMaven
  • Other

Your goal will be to insert the data into Local Storage in control.js. Then use one of your components to display the address data to the user. In most cases, this will mean creating a React called AddressShow if you have not done so already. Add two buttons named Next and Prev to it which increment and decrement a state variable called index. When the user clicks either buttons, reach into localStorage, find the record at that particular index, and display it to the user.

AddressShow Key Features

You probably won’t be able to implement all of this quite yet. Nevertheless, here is a list of key features of AddressShow that you will want to implement over time:

  • Use withStyles and PropTypes
  • Ultimately you will want this component to follow the material-ui guidelines that will be laid out in other assignments such as MaterialEverywhere. In other words, it should have the same look and feel as the other React components. Use CssBaseline, Grids and Paper to achieve this goal.
  • import elf-styles
  • Maintain state for at least the single value index. We are working with data stored in localStorage and will be able to access each record in local storage by index. “Get me the first record, get me the fifth record, etc.” We use this.state.index to locate records in localStorage.
  • Include two buttons that can be used to increment and decrement the index.
  • Use our getByIndex function from elf-local-storage to retrieve a record at a particular index from local storage.

Use this list as a guide to help you properly implement AddressShow in this and future assignments.


Parts of these videos no longer match this assignment precisely. So don’t try to follow them too closely. However, I think they still contain material that you will find useful.

Elf Logger

We need to be able to turn logging on and off as needed. Save as src/assets/elf-logger.js

export default (() => {
    let saveConsole = null;
    const logger = {};

    logger.on = () => {
        if (saveConsole) {
            window['console']['log'] = saveConsole;

    logger.off = () => {
        saveConsole = console.log;
        window['console']['log'] = () => {};

    return logger;

If you write logger.on() then console.log works, if you write logger.off() then console.log does nothing.

Test Data

Here is some test data we can use in this assignment:

const addressList = [
		"firstName": "Lamar",
		"lastName": "Alexander",
		"street": "455 Dirksen Senate Office Building",
		"city": "Washington DC",
		"state": "TN",
		"zip": "20510",
		"phone": "202-224-4944",
		"website": "https://www.alexander.senate.gov/public",
		"email": "",
		"contact": "http://www.alexander.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=Email"
		"firstName": "Susan",
		"lastName": "Collins",
		"street": "413 Dirksen Senate Office Building",
		"city": "Washington DC",
		"state": "ME",
		"zip": "20510",
		"phone": "202-224-2523",
		"website": "https://www.collins.senate.gov",
		"email": "",
		"contact": "http://www.collins.senate.gov/contact"

Put this near the top of control.js.

Elf Local Storage

Save this as assets/elf-local-storage.js. It’s purpose is to provide a few simple utilities functions that wrap the JavaScript localStorage object:

const ELF_TAG = 'elf';

const padNumber = function(numberToPad, width, padValue) {
    padValue = padValue || '0';
    numberToPad += '';
    if (numberToPad.length >= width) {
        return numberToPad;
    } else {
        return new Array(width - numberToPad.length + 1).join(padValue) + numberToPad;

function saveByIndex(item, index) {
    if (typeof item === 'object') {
        item = JSON.stringify(item, null, 4);
    const key = ELF_TAG + padNumber(index, 4, 0);
    localStorage.setItem(key, item);

function getByIndex(index) {
    const key = ELF_TAG + padNumber(index, 4, 0);
    return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(key));

function removeElfKeys() {
    for (var key in localStorage) {
        if (key.startsWith(ELF_TAG)) {

function clearLocalStorage() {

function getCount () {
    return localStorage.getItem('elven-count');

export {

Use it like this:

import { getByIndex } from '../assets/elf-local-storage';

Since the above could get out of date, I will try to maintain it here:

Named Exports

Please note that we don’t use export default in the elf-local-storage module. Instead, we declare a set of functions such as saveByIndex and getByIndex and we export them explicitly by name:

export {

We import them like this, with curly-braces:

import { saveByIndex, getByIndex } from "./elf-local-storage";

In general, when we import code that uses export default we write this:

import foo from './foo';

When import code that’s exported by name, we use curly-braces, like this:

import { foo } from './foo';

Define Address LocalStorage

The previous object is generic. It works for any app that wants to support localStorage. Here is an object tailor made to work with our Address records. Call it assets/address-local-storage.js:

import {saveByIndex} from "./elf-local-storage";

const debug = process.env.REACT_APP_ELF_LOGGER === 'sanity-learn-local' ? console.log : () => {};

const KEY_SET = ['elven-store', 'elven-count'];

function setLocalStorage(addresses) {
    debug('SET LOCAL', addresses);
    localStorage.setItem(KEY_SET[0], '1');
    localStorage.setItem(KEY_SET[1], addresses.length);
    addresses.forEach(function(address, index) {
        saveByIndex(address, index);
    return addresses;

function dataLoaded() {
    const elvenStore = localStorage.getItem(KEY_SET[0]);
    return (elvenStore === '1');

export {

We store data in local storage using key–value pairs:

Key Value
elven-store 0 or 1
elven-count The number of records in Local Storage
elf0000 firstName: “Tammy”, etc
elf0001 firstName: “Sherrod”, etc

If the key elven-store has a value of 1, then we can assume our data has been loaded into localStorage. Otherwise, it needs to be loaded. elven-count shows how many records were loaded. The remaining data, such as elf0000, is where the actual data is stored.

Familiarize yourself with KEY_SET:

const KEY_SET = ['elven-store', 'elven-count'];

This line sets elven-store equal to 1:

localStorage.setItem(KEY_SET[0], 1);

This line sets elven-count equal to 5:

localStorage.setItem(KEY_SET[1], addresses.length);

Address Local Storage in Chrome

IMAGE: We can view Local Storage in the Application page of the Chrome Developer tools.

Use Local Storage

So how do we use our local storage objects?

First, we import them into source/control.js:

import { dataLoaded, setLocalStorage} from "./assets/address-local-storage";

At the start of the window.onload function, do this:


The statement puts our data in localStorage.

You should also wrap the call to setLocalStorage in an if clause that uses the boolean dataLoaded function. That way, we first check if the data has already been loaded into localStorage. If it has been, then we do nothing, otherwise we call setLocalStorage. I’ll let you write that very small bit of code.

View Data

Review the instructions in the Get Started section on displaying data to the user. In a display component such as AddressShow, we call getByIndex to retrieve a single record. For instance, assuming you are tracking the record we want to display to the user by maintaining an index, we might write code like this:

import { getByIndex, getCount } from './elf-local-storage';

const singleAddress = getByIndex(index);

Use buttons labeled Next and Prev to increment and decrement our index variable.

Please see this example of how to display items in local storage.

Looking Ahead

You don’t need to do this for this assignment. However, in the midterm you will want to get the data from the server rather than just hard code the data into control.js. That will involve a call to fetch followed by a call to setLocalStorage.

The key thing to grasp here is that once we declared our elf-local-storage.js and elf-address-storage.js files, we only needed to add three lines to our AddressMaven program to load our data into localStorage.

Inside our fetch method we will write something like this:

  • setLocalStorage(addressListFromServer);

Double Check

Do this to ensure your code is working:

  • Load the Chrome Dev Tools
  • Go to the Application page in the Dev Tools
  • Select Clear Storage
  • Select only Local and session storage
  • Press Clear selected
  • Look at **Local Storage http://localhost:3000**

Then make sure that localStorage gets properly initialized after you refresh your home page. In other words, you should see localStorage filled up with at least 5 addresses when you refresh your home page.

Turn it in

Tag your work when you are done.

Tell me the:

  • Folder Name
  • Branch (Especially if other than master)
  • Tag