
Learn More about the AWS JavaScript SDK

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In your ~/Git directory clone the AWS Provision repository:

git clone git@github.com:charliecalvert/aws-provision.git

This repository contains some JavaScript files that will help you provision a remote instance. There is no program in this repository, just a set of useful files.

Create Web Application

This is very similar to the Rest Basics assignment. In your repository, inside your new aws-provision folder:

  • Run CreateExpressProject to create a server running on port (SERVER_PORT) 30026
  • Use create-react-app to create a client runnning on 30025 with a proxy to 30026 in package.json.

We may change the port for the Express project, but you can leave the defaults for now.

Move Files to server

Create a new directory called server/routes/aws.

Copy only the JavaScript files from ~/Git/aws-provision into your new aws directory.

When you are done, here is the contents of aws:

ls -1 server/routes/aws/

Open up GetAwsInstanceParams and set at least these two properties for awsEducate and awsCharlie/awsStandard:

awsParams.KeyName = 'ec2';
awsParams.SecurityGroupIds = ['isit320'];

Note that you might need to change this code in awsStandard:

awsParams.KeyName = '<KEY_NAME>';
awsParams.SecurityGroupIds = ['<SECURITY_GROUP_ID>'];

Start Server and Client

Start both the client and the server.

For now, skip the routes/api.js endpoints and put your test endpoint in routes/index.js below the place where the home page endpoint is defined, but before module.exports:

/* Set up a route called foo. */
router.get('/foo', function(request, response) {
    var message = { 'result': 'success', 'status': 'bar', 'file': 'api.js' };
    console.log('Foo called:\n' + JSON.stringify(message, null, 4));

Rewrite the client as described in React Basics, but adjust the path, the route, to the /api/foo endpoint to fit our modified code. Hint: I’m talking about the modified code in the routes folder.

Test your work and ensure that clicks on the button retrieve data from the server.

Add Buttons

Here are the buttons we need to create with React:

AWS Provision Repo Buttons

Here are the methods called by each button, the text for the button and the route to the server endpoint. Please cut and paste so that you match them exactly. We will use these values in our tests and in grading:

Method Button Content (Text) Route to Endpoint
this.queryServer Bar /foo
this.createEducate Create with AWS Educate Account /create-educate
this.createWithAwsStandardAccount Create with AWS Standard Account /create-standard
this.associateElasticIp Associate Elastic Ip /associate-elastic-ip
this.copyGetStarted Copy the GetStarted Script /script-pusher/copy-get-started
this.runGetStarted Run the GetStarted Script /ssh-runner/run-get-started
this.removeKnownHost Remove from KnownHost /script-pusher/remove-known-host

Create Endpoints

In routes/index.js create endpoints for createEducate, createAwsStandardAccount and associateElasticIp.

In routes/script-pusher.js create endpoints for copyGetStarted, runGetStarted, and removeKnownHost.

At minimum, each endpoint ought to return a JavaScript object with a result property set to the string success:

response.send({result: 'success'});

The point is that not all the methods have to actually do anything at this point. We are just fleshing out the structure of the App. However, at least some of these methods are not hard to define, and you might be able to get them to work.

One App

Combine Client and Server into one app and start that app running on Pristine Lubuntu. When you turn in the assignment, provide a screenshot of the app.

  • In the client folder run npm run build. This assumes the client was built with create-react-app.
  • Copy the contents of the build directory created by in the previous step to ../server/public/.

Now if you go to http://localhost:30026 you should see your app running.

We don’t want to check in the files we put in server/public nor the files in client/build. So put this .gitignore file in server/public:


Also make sure client/build is blocked. You are responsible. I think I’ve covered all the bases, but check with git status before you commit.

Turn it in

Push your work providing:

  • git tag: message=”ProvisionRepo v0.1.0”. I don’t care about the tag version number, that can be whatever works for you. What I want is a system that will allow you to turn the assignment in more than once with each submission tagged: v0.1.1, v0.1.2, etc.
  • branch: What branch you are working in. But also merge your working code back in master.
  • folder: What folder you are working in.
  • GitHub: The URL of your github repository.


Copy aws-provision and Remove .git Folder

This section has been deleted. Ignore it.

Copy the aws-provision repo to your repo with a command similar to this:

cp -rv ~/Git/aws-provision/ ~/Git/isit320-calvert-2018/.

Of course, your repository will probably not be called isit320-calvert-2018, so you will need to modify that part of the command.

Navigate to your repo with a command similar to this:

cd ~/Git/isit320-calvert-2018/aws-provision

Remove the .git directory from aws-provision so you do not have nested repositories:

rm -rf .git