
Create and provision an EC2 instance suitable for node development or at least running node applications.

Updated and Partially Automated

This assignment is still under construction, but there should be enough here to get you going.

NOTE: Running the code described here creates EC2 instances. After you create them, terminate them or you will be charged beaucoup bucks. The steps described here also work with regular EC2 accounts (non-AWS-EDUCATE) but in that case I put credentials in a ~/.aws/config.json file. See commented out line of code and line that sets region.

NOTE: This should all work on Cloud 9, but I have not tested it there. If possible, work on Pristine Lubuntu.

GitHub Part I

The code here does not yet automate setting up GitHub access. All you really need is your the private key associated with the public key you put in your GitHub account Settings GUI. Before beginning this assignment, make sure you have that key.

Get Started

Create a folder called week04-aws-setup. In it run npm init.

Install aws:

npm install aws-sdk

We are using the AWS SDK to create instances. You will need to create some files described below. But them in a directory of Pristine Lubuntu called ~/.aws:

mkdir ~/.aws && cd ~/.aws

As mentioned above, this should also work on Cloud9, I just haven’t tried it there yet. I suppose it would also work on EC2 itself, but I have not tried that either.

AWS SDK and AWS Educate

If you are using AWS Educate create a file called credentials in ~/.aws:

aws_access_key_id=<YOUR KEY>
aws_secret_access_key=<YOUR SECRET>
aws_session_token=<WE ALSO NEED THIS ONE>

Aws Educate students get their keys by selecting “Account Details” on the AWS Educate site. This button is found on the same page where you see remaining credits and session time. It’s right after you select the classroom. Unfortunately, these keys expire over time, so you will have to recreate the file when your time runs out in Aws Educate. This is not true if you have a regular account.

Your AWS Educate region will be us-east-1.

The AWS SDK for AWS Regular Accounts

If you are trying to use a regular account, not an AWS Educate account, create ~/.aws/config.json. You can leave ~/.aws/credentials, I think:

	"accessKeyId":"YOUR KEY",
	"secretAccessKey": "YOUR SECRET"

You can also put the variables in the environment:

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2

These will override anything you put in ~/.aws/config.json.

For more information, read the AWS docs on configuration.

Create Your Instance

Back in the week04-aws-setup directory, create this file and call it run.js:

var AWS = require('aws-sdk');

AWS.config.credentials.get(function () {
    var accessKeyId = AWS.config.credentials.accessKeyId;
    var secretAccessKey = AWS.config.credentials.secretAccessKey;
    console.log("Access Key:", AWS.config.credentials.accessKeyId);
    console.log("Secret Access Key:", AWS.config.credentials.secretAccessKey);

//AWS.config.loadFromPath(process.env.HOME + '/.aws/config-aws.json');


// Create EC2 service object
var ec2 = new AWS.EC2({apiVersion: '2016-11-15'});

// AMI is amzn-ami-2011.09.1.x86_64-ebs
var instanceParams = {
    BlockDeviceMappings: [
            DeviceName: "/dev/sda1",
            Ebs: {
                VolumeSize: 16,
                VolumeType: 'gp2'
    ImageId: 'ami-0ac019f4fcb7cb7e6',
    InstanceType: 't2.micro',
    KeyName: 'ec2-320-inclass',
    SecurityGroupIds: ['sg-0343e3be157db8175'],
    MinCount: 1,
    MaxCount: 1

// Create a promise on an EC2 service object
var instancePromise = new AWS.EC2({apiVersion: '2016-11-15'}).runInstances(instanceParams).promise();

// Handle promise's fulfilled/rejected states
    function (data) {
        var instanceId = data.Instances[0].InstanceId;
        console.log("Created instance", instanceId);
        // Add tags to the instance
        var date = new Date().toISOString();
        tagParams = {
            Resources: [instanceId], Tags: [
                    Key: 'Name',
                    Value: 'isit320-' + date
        // Create a promise on an EC2 service object
        var tagPromise = new AWS.EC2({apiVersion: '2016-11-15'}).createTags(tagParams).promise();
        // Handle promise's fulfilled/rejected states
            function (data) {
                console.log("Instance tagged");
            function (err) {
                console.error(err, err.stack);
    function (err) {
        console.error(err, err.stack);

You will have to tweak:

  • KeyName: the name of your SSH key pair in quotes. It is perhaps a bit like: ‘ec2-isit320-2019’.
  • SecurityGroupIds: get it from the aws console. It’s an array and begins with sg: [‘sg-012345’],
  • ImageId: This is which version of the available VMs we want to use. At the time of this writing, which is fall 2019, we want the Ubuntu 18.04 image. The id for it is hard coded in above. The id for standard at the time of this writing is: ‘ami-06d51e91cea0dac8d’

When ready, run the file: node run.js. If you get errors, explore the output and see if you can find the problem. The code should work if you have the details filled in correctly.

If it works, the last two lines of output will be a bit like this:

Created instance i-0r328a80b71617a2c
Instance tagged

We will use it for a bit in this assignment, so you may not want to delete it yet, but when you are done with it, terminate it:

	**Actions | Instance State | Terminate**

You can eat up all your credits if you are not careful!

Tips for AWS Standard

Some of us use AWS Educate, others of us have AWS Standard accounts. Therefore I need to test to make sure I’m providing code that works on both platforms. For my use, I’ve written code that is similar to the above, but that can be fairly easily tweaked to use on either AWS Educate or AWS standard accounts:

var AWS = require('aws-sdk');

// AWS.config.loadFromPath(process.env.HOME + '/.aws/config.json');

AWS.config.credentials.get(function () {
    var accessKeyId = AWS.config.credentials.accessKeyId;
    var secretAccessKey = AWS.config.credentials.secretAccessKey;
    console.log("Access Key:", AWS.config.credentials.accessKeyId);
    console.log("Secret Access Key:", AWS.config.credentials.secretAccessKey);
    console.log('Region', AWS.config.region);


// Create EC2 service object
var ec2 = new AWS.EC2({apiVersion: '2016-11-15'});

const ubuntuImages = {awsStandard: 'ami-06d51e91cea0dac8d', awsEducate: 'ami-0ac019f4fcb7cb7e6'};
const keyPairs = {awsStandard: 'elf-server-01', awsEducate: 'ec2-isit320-2019'};
const securityGroups = {awsStandard: ['sg-809b10fe'],  awsEducate: ['sg-08b43f5679e9a5f46']};

// AMI is amzn-ami-2011.09.1.x86_64-ebs
var instanceParams = {
    BlockDeviceMappings: [
            DeviceName: "/dev/sda1",
            Ebs: {
                VolumeSize: 16,
                VolumeType: 'gp2'
    ImageId: ubuntuImages.awsEducate,
    InstanceType: 't2.micro',
    KeyName: keyPairs.awsEducate,
    SecurityGroupIds: securityGroups.awsEducate,
    MinCount: 1,
    MaxCount: 1

// The rest is the same as above.

The code above is set to be used for AWS Educate, but hopefully you can see how to adopt it for use with AWS Standard.

Note that each technique has a unique step shown near the top of the file:

  • We load the credentials explicitly from config.json for standard
  • Set the region for AWS Educate.

To make the change, just comment out what you wish.

Of course, we also tweak the imageId, keyPairs, and security groups in the section near the bottom of the file.

NOTE: It (re)occurs to me somewhat belatedly that ~/.aws/credentials will probably get loaded automatically whether it contains AWS Educate or standard keys. But on my end, I need two files: one for standard and one for AWS Educate because I need code that works both places. I’m afraid I was complicating your life by asking those on standard accounts to explicitly load config.json rather than automatically loading credentials. But again, the upside is that we all understand the process a bit better for the fussing we went through. This means that if you put the keys in for standard in credentials, you can perhaps skip the step of loading them explicitly, but I have not tried it.

Create ~/.ssh/config

It should contain something like this:

Host ec2-bc
    HostName <YOUR ELASTIC IP or PUBLIC IP from Aws Educate EC2 instance>
    Port 22
    User ubuntu
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<YOUR EC2 KEY>


Alternative Ways to Load Credentials

There are other ways to define and load the credentials you want to use. This technique is particularly useful if you want to use different credentials in different circumstances.

AWS suggests putting multiple profiles in ~/.aws/credentials:




Load them like this:

const credentials = new AWS.SharedIniFileCredentials({ profile: 'school' })
AWS.config.credentials = credentials

Alternatively, you can set the AWS_PROFILE. We often do this sort of thing near the end of ~/.bashrc:

export AWS_PROFILE=school

This latter technique is perhaps best since it means we won’t have to edit our source code.

Thanks to Benjamin Comeau for doing the research on this and sharing his clear description of the solution.

The docs on this subject are here and here.

JsObjects Provision

Do this:

git pull

Now the new Provision script should be on your path. Run it:


It will copy scripts to your instance

Pick A, B and C in turn from the menu.

  • Pick A and read it.
  • Pick B and wait until it completes. It ends up rebooting your instance. Give the instance time to restart. About 2 minutes, but you can check the AWS console Instances page.
  • Pick C. It runs UbuntuSetup from an instance of JsObjects that was automatically installed on your EC2 instance by the Provision script.

Your instance should now be completely configured and ready to use.

NOTE: Don’t do any more of this assignment. Stop here.

NOTE: Don’t forget to terminate instances you aren’t using. You should have only one at a time unless I specifically ask you to do more.

GitHub Part II

This is not automated yet. For now you need to manually copy your key to your EC2 instance:

scp <MyKey> ec2-bc:/home/ubuntu/.ssh/.

Create an SSH config file in your EC2 instances ~/.ssh directory. Put this in it:

    Port 22
    User git
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<YOUR GITHUB KEY>

Now you should, I think, be able to clone, pull and push your repo.

For extra credit, you automate all this in a script called load-my-repo-on-ec2. Copy it to EC2 and run it. Look at Provision to see how it is done.

A Few Tips

If you can get run.js to execute properly, then it should create a new EC2 instance of Ubuntu Server on AWS or AWS Educate.

Provision should install JsObjects, NodeJs and our global NPM packages in our EC2 instance. The NPM packages should be in ~/npm/bin and other subdirectories of ~/npm.

Because you have the config file in the ~/.ssh directory, you should be able to reach your EC2 instance with this command:

ssh ec2-bc

Be careful not to create a bunch of instances on EC2. After you create them and play with them for a bit, go to the AWS EC2 console and terminate them! Probably best not to create more than two at a time. Don’t leave more than one running on EC2 for more than an hour. You can leave one running for as long as you want, but don’t leave two running for more than a few minutes.

Turn it in

There is another, outdated, Turn it in section below. Use this one.

Create and provision three instances within 20 minutes. Take a screen shot of the EC2 console showing all three instances (plus our original instance) running. Attach it to the assignment.

When you are done, delete all your EC2 instances related to this assignment. On AWS Educate, that means all instances except our original one from a few weeks ago.

I’m looking for:

  • Branch
  • Folder
  • A second screen shot of the AWS Console showing that you have only one instance running and it was created after Oct 4. (That’s Oct 5 or later.)


Update Server

It’s automated by our scripts, but here is a reminder about updating the server. Type the following:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

This ensures that the programs comprising the Ubuntu OS are up to date. You should issue these commands at least once a week, but I tend to it the first time I log on to an EC2 instance on a particular day. In other words, when I am using the server regularl, I do it more than once a week.


It’s automated by our scripts, but here is a reminder about .bashrc

In Windows you have the Windows (or DOS) Command Prompt (CMD). You also have Power Shell. On Linux you have the bash shell. On Lubuntu, you typically open it by selecting LxTerminal. On plain Ubuntu, just select Terminal. The bash shell is the Linux command line where we do most of our work. Though intimidating to new-comers, the Linux bash shell is very powerful and very useful.

The hidden ~/.bashrc file contains code that is run each time you open a bash shell. The code in this file ensures that your bash environment is set up correctly.

Type cd to go to the home directory. Then type either: geany .bashrc or nano .bashrc.

Scroll to the bottom of the file, and paste in the following:

if [ -z "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ] ; then
    eval `ssh-agent`

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/npm/bin"

export NODE_PATH=:$HOME/npm/lib/node_modules

NOTE: In the above eval statement those are backticks, not single quotes. The backtick is under the tilda at the top left of most keyboards.

If you are using nano, type Ctrl-O + enter to save, and Ctrl-X to exit.

NOTE: Students in my programming course should also see the following file, which has a more complete listing of what I have added at the end of my own ~/.bashrc: file for use on Ubuntu and Lubuntu desktop. This more complete listing is not usually helpful on EC2: ~/Git/JsObjects/Utilities/SetupLinuxBox/BashrcExtras.

When you have finished editing it, process your updated .bashrc file from the command line: source ~/.bashrc.

One final task we should complete at this time: make sure you have ~/bin folder. If the folder does not exist already, type the following code to create it:

mkdir ~/bin


Some reminders about working with SSH keys.

We are going to create a second SSH key and put the public portion of it on GitHub. We could reuse our previous key, but I want you to get practice creating and storing keys. (It’s easy once you get used to it.)

On your EC2 instance, type cd and press enter to get to your home directory. Type pwd to be sure you are in the right place:

ubuntu@ip-172-31-33-240:~$ pwd

In your home directory, paste in the following by right clicking on the bash shell:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Navigate to the .ssh directory and cat your public file:

cd .ssh

Select the entire public key with the mouse and press Ctrl-C to copy it. Then go to gitgub or bitbucket, as appropriate. Choose manage account, and add you new public ssh key, calling it something like Prog219AwsKey, modifying the name as appropriate to the class you are in.

Make the key readable only by you, the owner:

chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Then type the following to load the private key. (Like loading a key into Pageant):

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

It might look like this:

ubuntu@ip-172-31-33-240:~/.ssh$ ssh-add id_rsa
Identity added: id_rsa (id_rsa)

Also, add a main-key, as explained in the automating section of the GitNewRepo assignment.

Go to your Git Folder and clone your repo, using your github or bitbucket git url as appropriate. The command might look something like this:

cd Git
git clone

See also this section on using SSH config files:


It’s automated by our scripts, but be sure to install JsObjects:

cd ~/Git
git clone

More Information

The following document used in another of my classes also contains information that you might find useful:


What I did in class some time in the past. Might be useful:

 1  exit
    2  sudo apt-get update
    3  sudo apt-get upgrade
    4  exit
    5  ls
    6  sudo apt-get install git
    7  git --version
    8  git
    9  mkdir Git
   10  cd Git/
   11  git clone git clone
   12  git clone
   13  cd ,,
   14  cd
   15  cd .ssh/
   16  ls
   17  cd
   18  ckear'
   19  clear
   20  pwd
   21  cd Git/
   22  cd
   23  ssh-keygen -t rsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
   24  cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
   25  pwd
   26  ubuntu@ip-172-31-33-240:~$ pwd
   27  /home/ubuntu
   28  cd .ssh/
   29  ls
   30  clear
   31  ls
   32  ls -l
   33  nano
   34  cat
   35  cat
   36  cd
   37  nano .bashrc
   38  cd .ssh
   39  ls
   40  chmod 400 id_rsa
   41  ssh-add id_rsa
   42  source ~/.bashrc
   43  ssh-add id_rsa
   44  ubuntu@ip-172-31-33-240:~/.ssh$ ssh-add id_rsa
   45  Identity added: id_rsa (id_rsa)
   46  cd ..
   47  cd Git/
   48  dir
   49  git clone
   50  cd prog219-calvert/
   51  ls
   52  cd Week05-AngularMongoCrud/
   53  npm install