
The ApacheHtml assignment provides more information on setting up the Apache Server and the MakeHtml program. In particular, it helps you put the right files in these directories:

  • /var/www/html/css
  • /var/www/html/js
  • /var/www/html/images

The MakeHtml program assumes that certain files are already in place in your Apache DocumentRoot directory. By DocumentRoot I mean the /var/www/html directory.

The main goal is to ensure that you have the necessary CSS, images and JavaScript in your /var/www/html folders. This assignments talks you through the process of creating the files and placing them correctly. Without these files, the pages you produce might have missing links, or fail to render your HTML properly. This will effect various parts of your pages, including images and their size, code blocks, and tables.



There are two files to put in /var/www/html:

  • first-style.css // CAN BE EMPTY
  • style.css

I suggest that you put the following code in style.css:

body {
    padding-top: 70px;
    padding-bottom: 30px;

img.twenty-five-percent {
   width: 25%;

In practice, you can create any CSS you want, but think carefully about how it fits in with our primary HTML/CSS framework, which is called bootstrap. For the most part, your CSS is defined by bootstrap. Your goal is mostly to add minor tweaks, rather than trying to take over altogether. We can, perhaps, look at some other options after the midterm.


Our javascript file is kept here: /var/www/html/js/elven-help.js:

$(document).ready(function() {
	$('table').addClass('table table-striped table-hover');


The file called googlecode.css provides syntax highlight for code that appears in our HTML. We place this file here:


Like this:


If you are interested in getting the latest version of this code, I believe it is maintained here:

See also:

Here is the source I’m currently using:


Google Code style (c) Aahan Krish <geekpanth3r@gmail.com>


.hljs {
  display: block;
  overflow-x: auto;
  padding: 0.5em;
  background: white;
  color: black;

.hljs-quote {
  color: #800;

.hljs-name {
  color: #008;

.hljs-template-variable {
  color: #660;

.hljs-regexp {
  color: #080;

.hljs-link {
  color: #066;

.hljs-params {
  color: #606;

.hljs-subst {
  color: #000;

.hljs-formula {
  background-color: #eee;
  font-style: italic;

.hljs-selector-class {
  color: #9B703F

.hljs-addition {
  background-color: #baeeba;

.hljs-deletion {
  background-color: #ffc8bd;

.hljs-strong {
  font-weight: bold;

.hljs-emphasis {
  font-style: italic;


At minimum, you need the elvenwarelogo.png in this directory:


Like this:


You can just right click and download the logo from the Elvenware site, or else you can create your own version of this file. It must, however, have the correct name: elvenwarelogo.png

Save CSS, JS and Images in Repo

I want you save your /var/www/html/css, /var/www/html/js/ and var/www/html/images folders to your repository.

Put this script in the root folder of your repository. Run it to back up your css, js, and image files to a folder in your repository called ApacheHelpers. You will need to make a few changes for instance, your lastname, not mine, and possibly the name of the class: prog270 or isit322.

Call it something like: CopyToRepository. And then chmod +x CopyToRepository. Be sure to change prog270-calvert-2016 to use your last name!

#! /bin/bash

# Declare destination dir for AllTest in
# one place so it is easy to modify

# Declare destination for CSS, JavaScript and Images

# Copy AllTest
cp -ruvp ~/Documents/AllTest $REPO/

# Ensure destination dir exists for CSS, JS and Images
if [ ! -d "$CSS_JS_IMAGE" ]; then
	mkdir -p $CSS_JS_IMAGE

# Copy CSS, JavaScript and Images
cp -ruvp /var/www/html/css $CSS_JS_IMAGE/.
cp -ruvp /var/www/html/images $CSS_JS_IMAGE/.
cp -ruvp /var/www/html/js $CSS_JS_IMAGE/.
cp -uvp /var/www/html/clean $CSS_JS_IMAGE/.

And here is a script that will copy files from your repository to ~/Documents/AllTest and /var/www/html. Call it CopyFromRepo:

#! /bin/bash

cp -ruvp AllTest/ ~/Documents/.
cp -ruvp ApacheHelpers/images /var/www/html/.
cp -ruvp ApacheHelpers/css /var/www/html/.
cp -ruvp ApacheHelpers/js /var/www/html/.

Here is a fancier version of CopyFromRepo

#! /bin/bash

NC='\033[0m' # No Color


function message {
    echo =======================
    echo -e $LIGHT_RED$1"$NC"    
    echo =======================

function error {
    echo -e $LIGHT_RED=!!!!=
    echo -e $1
    echo -e $LIGHT_RED=!!!!="$NC"    

function copyFiles() {
	cp -ruvp AllTest/ ~/Documents/.
	if [ -d $1 ]; then
		cp -ruvp ApacheHelpers/images $1
		cp -ruvp ApacheHelpers/css $1
		cp -ruvp ApacheHelpers/js $1
		error $BLUE$1$LIGHT_RED' does not exist.'


while true; do
    message "Menu"
    echo -e $LIGHT_GREEN"Ubuntu"
    echo -e $LIGHT_GREEN"  a) Copy to $DEST01"
    echo -e $LIGHT_GREEN"  b) Copy to $DEST02"
    echo -e $LIGHT_RED"  x) Exit"
    echo -e "\n$NC"
    read -p "Please make a selection: " eotuyx
    case $eotuyx in
        [Aa]* ) copyFiles $DEST01; continue;;
        [Bb]* ) copyFiles $DEST02; continue;;
        [XxQq]* ) break;;
        * )  -e "\n$NC" + "Please answer with c, r or x.";;

ApacheHelpers Tree View

Tree ApacheHelpers

Turn it in

Besides putting them in your Apache DocumentRoot directory on Pristine Lubuntu and EC2, you should put all your configuration files in a folder of your repository called ApacheHelpers. It should have the structure shown below. When you are done, push your repository and take the screenshot described below.


  • css
    • first-style.css
    • style.css
    • highlight/googlecode.css
    • images/???
  • images
    • elvenwarelogo.png (This can be your own logo)
  • js
    • elven-help.js
  • CopyFromRepo
  • CopyToRepo

Here is an image showing the Apache DocumentRoot directory:


Your pages just won’t look right unless you have the right images, CSS and JavaScript in place. This assignment is an attempt to help you get those files in place. This would be a way to prove to me that you have done it correctly. take a screen shot of the output from these commands:

  • ls -la /var/www/html/css
  • ls -la /var/www/html/js
  • ls -la /var/www/html/images

If you want, you can save this script as ShowApache in the root of your repository. Then run it and take a screenshot. This will satisfy the requirements outlined in the previous few lines of text.

#! /bin/bash

ls -la /var/www/html/css
ls -la /var/www/html/js
ls -la /var/www/html/images

Network Page

You should turn frequently to the the network pages in the Chrome and Firefox developer tools. Access them with F12 or Ctrl-Shift-I. Press F5 if necessary to refresh the display.

The images below show that first-style.css, style.css, googlecode.css, elven-help.js and the elvenware logo have all been loaded.

Network Page Chrome

Developer Tools Network Page Chrome

Network Page Firefox

Developer Tools Network Page Firefox


When testing your code, you want to make sure you are not relying on any files already sitting in /var/www/html. This script deletes all the HTML files and folders from /var/www/html. It also creates a zip folder containing the most recent contents of your js, css and images folders. Save the code as /var/www/html/clean. Make it executable with chmod +x clean, then run the script as needed.

NOTE: Where I write <LIST ANY OTHER FILES/FOLDERS> you should do exactly that, and of course you have to then remove the text in angle brackets.

#! /bin/bash

rm -r MoreFiles Assignments <LIST ANY OTHER FOLDERS>
rm apache-helpers.zip
zip -r apache-helpers css/ js/ images/