
Use systemd to ensure your program starts every time your Ubuntu system reboots. systemd keeps your program running.

Though it is possible, it not a good idea to start with a create-react-app project. Use server type applications started with CreateExpressProject.

Useful Scripts

No matter how simple the commands, it is almost always worth taking a moment to create some bash scripts to automate the process. Here is an attempt to automate most of the process of running your program as a system service. They take a moment to setup, but they are very useful.

NOTE: I maintain copies of these scripts here:

Read through the README and you should be up and running fairly quickly.

Most of the rest of this document is just a commentary on elven-systemd-tools. Follow the link to the [README][est-rum] and use it as your guide. It is still good to read through the rest of this document and see how to set things up by hand, but the simplest way to get up and running is with elven-systemd-tools.


Even this video is more than you need to know to get started. If you are struggling to get systemd working, just use the scripts outlined in the previous section. Only if you want to understand the process, and you should want to understand it, need you read on.

systemd vs UpStart

There are two ways to start projects on Ubuntu based distros:

  • upstart (15.04)
  • systemd (15.10 or greater)

If you are using ubuntu 15.10 or later, use systemd. That means, if you are using 16.04, you should use systemd. If you are using 15.04 or earlier, then you should use upstart.

Use the following command to get your ubuntu version number


A sample run:

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 15.10
Release:	15.10
Codename:	wily

The contents of the script, at the time of this writing, is as follows:

cat /etc/lsb-release
lsb_release -a

Probably either command would do the job, but I run them both for completeness.

You probably don’t need any more details, but further information on detecting the init system is available here:

We should create a symbolic link to our project. First, be sure you have a bin directory:

mkdir ~/bin

Then create the link:

$ ln -s ~/Git/prog272-lastname-2018/NodeRouteBasics/ ~/bin/nrb

This symbolic link provides several benefits:

  • It shortens your path
  • It can be easily changed to point to a new location without forcing you to rewrite your upstart or systemd script.

We will use the link when composing our systemd configuration file.

Unit Configuraton File

In package.json, add a script like this:

"scripts": {
  "start": "nodemon ./bin/www",
  "start-service": "node ./bin/www",

The issue here is that nodemon is not on the global path. Root will run your service, and root does not know about nodemon. Yet you want nodemon during development. So create another script script called start-service that uses node rather than nodemon. This is arguably better than putting a refernce to node in the service file, as you don’t want to have to edit the service file if you change the way you start the program. It is easier to edit package.json than it is to edit your service file.

Create a systemd service file called nrb.service:

Description=Run NodeRouteBasics

# ExecStart=/usr/bin/node ./bin/www
ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/npm/bin/npm run start-service


When examining the above, check carefully, looking for changes that you will need to make:

  • ExecStart
  • WorkingDirectory
  • SyslogIdentifier
  • User
  • Group
  • Environment PORT

For instance, the User and Group would be ubuntu on EC2 and bcuser on most copies of Pristine Lubuntu.

Make sure the PORT matches the code in your /bin/www file:

var port = normalizePort(process.env.NRB_PORT || '30025');

NOTE If you don’t like the start-service solution, do this instead in your service file:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node ./bin/www

Our systemd script is called nrb.service. If you look inside it, you will see that it assumes your copy of NodeRouteBasics can be accessed via a symbolic link called nrb that is found in the ~/bin directory:

ExecStart=/home/charlie/npm/bin/npm start

Regardless of where you keep NodeRouteBasics on your system, our script can find it. If you move the program, you don’t have to update your configuration file, just update the symbolic link.

Deploy Configuration File

Deploy the service file:

sudo cp nrb.service /etc/systemd/system/.

Start the service:

sudo systemctl enable nrb
sudo systemctl start nrb

Get the status:

systemctl status nrb

To reload after a change:

systemctl daemon-reload

Sample output from status request when all is good:

$ systemctl status nrb
● nrb.service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/nrb.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2015-12-03 08:59:01 PST; 4s ago
 Main PID: 4102 (node)
   CGroup: /system.slice/nrb.service
           └─4102 /usr/bin/node /home/charlie/bin/nrb/bin/www

Dec 03 08:59:01 forestpath systemd[1]: Started nrb.service.
Dec 03 08:59:02 forestpath node-sample[4102]: In bin/www the environment is production

Manage your Program

To see logs and debug information, try this:

journalctl -u nrb

To completely remove a service from a system, I believe we should first stop it, and then disable it:

systemctl stop nrb
systemctl disable nrb

I’m not certain about the disable command at this time. I think it tells systemd not to load at boot, but allows us to leave the file in /etc/systemd/system. Not sure though.

The first and second links below will get you up to speed fairly quickly.


We have a lot of options:

ExecStart=/home/bcuser/npm/bin/npm start
ExecStart=/usr/bin/node ./bin/www
ExecStart=/home/charlie/npm/bin/npm run node-start

I’m including the WorkingDirectory because none of the options will work if that is not setup correctly.

The first option may not work correctly because it often uses nodemon which may not be installed for the root user.

The second option should always work if the program is set up correctly, that is, if it runs under normal conditions when not using systemd. It is my preferred solution.

The third option assumes you have set up something like this in package.json:

"scripts": {
    "test": "node jasmine-runner.js",
    "start": "nodemon ./bin/www",
    "node-start": "node ./bin/www"

Again, the option I think is simplest to use is this one:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node ./bin/www



NOTE: Upstart is no longer used in most circumstances. As a result, you probably want to skip this section. Use systemd instjead.

Upstart can be used to keep your program running after you close your shell and to ensure that it restarts automatically when you reboot the system. Take a momement to learn about upstart:

A sample script:

# This is an upstart script: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/index.html
description "a script to keep node.js server in memory even after rebooting"
author      "Charle Calvert - http://www.elvenware.com/charlie"i

# Start after all drives mounted
start on started mountall
stop on shutdown

# Automatically Respawn:
respawn limit 99 5

    export HOME="/root"

# The following assumes nodejs is in /usr/bin
# It also assumes that the server is in /home/charlie/ExpressSend
    exec /usr/bin/nodejs /home/charlie/bin/nrb/bin/www >> /var/log/node.log 2>&1
end script

post-start script
   # Optionally put a script here that will notifiy you node has (re)started
   # /root/bin/hoptoad.sh "node.js has started!"
end script

Copy the File

Copy the NodeRoutesParams file to the /etc/init directory:

sudo cp nrb.conf /etc/init/.
sudo mkdir /root/.config
sudo cp ~/.config/ElvenConfig.json /root/.config/.

Start the program

sudo start nrb

Stop the program

sudo stop nrb

If you reboot the system, your program will start automatically.

Error messages and and other output are in: /var/log/node.log. That means you can see the debug output with this command:

cat /var/log/node.log

That is the case because of this bit from our conf file: » /var/log/node.log 2>&1

Browse to your instance:


If you were testing all this out on your copy of Lubunutu, you would do this:

Create a link our project, or whatever project you want to use for your final:

$ ln -s ~/Git/isit322-calvert-2016/Week10-ElvenImagePicker/ ~/bin/nrb

This symbolic link provides several benefits:

  • It shortens your path
  • It can be easily changed to point to a new location without forcing you to rewrite your upstart or systemd script.

Our upstart script is called NodeRoutesParams. If you look inside it, you will see that it assumes your copy of NodeRoutesParams is in ~/bin:

exec /usr/bin/nodejs $HOME/bin/NodeRoutesParams/bin/www >> /var/log/node.log 2>&1
exec /usr/bin/nodejs /home/ubuntu/bin/nrb/bin/www >> /var/log/node.log 2>&1

That is why we created a symbolic link in that folder. That way, regardless of where you keep NodeRoutesParams on your system, our script can find it.

Copy the NodeRoutesParams file to the /etc/init directory:

sudo cp nrb.conf /etc/init/.
sudo mkdir /root/.config
sudo cp ~/.config/ElvenConfig.json /root/.config/.

Start the program

sudo start nrb

Stop the program

sudo stop nrb

If you reboot the system, your program will start automatically.

Error messages and and other output are in: /var/log/node.log. That means you can see the debug output with this command:

cat /var/log/node.log

That is the case because of this bit from our conf file: » /var/log/node.log 2>&1

Browse to your instance:


If you were testing all this out on your copy of Lubunutu, you would do this:    

Elastic IP

Be sure that you create, properly associate and submit an Elastic IP for your instance running on EC2. In order to confirm that your project is running on EC2, I must be able to reach it, and I can’t do that if you only have a Public IP. The Public IP addresses automatically associated with your instance on EC2 is not necessarily permanent. To create a permenant IP address, you need an Elastic IP, as explained here.

NOTE: Once you create an Elastic IP address, your Elastic IP and Public IP address are usually the same. At that point, your Public IP address should be permanent, but only because you have created an Elastic IP address and associated it with your instance.

Git Tag

After you commit and push, tag your commit like this:

git tag -a vX.X.X -m "finished systemd"
git push origin vX.X.X

Where vX.X.X is some version number of your choosing. For instance, v1.0.1. Each tag should have a unique version number. Your tag can have more in the string finished systemd, but it must have at least that much.

View tags:

git tag -l -n1

If you have hot yet pushed your tags, you can delete them fairly easily:

git tag -d vX.X.X

Turn it in

Submit the Elastic IP or Public DNS address of your instance running on EC2.

I’m not checking to see if the program is working correctly, only that it is running at all. I don’t really care, for this assignment, whether I find nrb, three-floor or your final running on port 30025 of your EC2 instance. Just show me that you can get something running via systemd or upstart. Also, add your config files, such as nrb.conf and/or nrb.service file to the appropriate project directory in your repository.

When you turn in your assignment specify:

  • URL of your GitHub repository. For instance: https://github.com/charliecalvert/JsObjects
  • Branch
  • Folder
  • Tag with string finished systemd in it
  • URL that points to your running app. http://<ELASTIC-IP>:<PORT>

Some tips on turning in assignments


The below is aimed at upstart users, but it should be obvious how it applies to those who might be using systemd. Here are some additional nodes:

  • Create a nrb.conf in your final folder.
    • Look at the JsObjects/JavaScript/NodeCode/ExpressSend project for hints
    • In particular, modify the line that begins with the word exec
  • In bin/www set the port to 30025 unless you are running more than one application
  • If you are running more than one app, go to the AWS console and open up ports 30026, 30027, as described below:
    • Go to the AWS console for EC2 and select instances
    • Select your running instance (in green) from Instances Menu
    • Check the name of the security group (launch-wizard-1)
    • Select Security Groups from the menu
    • Select your security group
    • Choose **Inbound Edit Add**
    • Open ports 30026, 30027, etc and set the source to Anywhere.
  • Copy nrb.conf to /etc/init/nrb.conf
    • sudo cp nrb.conf /etc/init/.
  • Create a link to your final folder from the bin folder:
ln -s ~/Git/isit320-lastName-2015/Week10-ElvenImagePicker ~/bin/nrb;

When everything is set up, test your work:

sudo start nrb

Then go to the appropriate URL and see if your application is working correctly. For problems, check the logs:

cat /var/log/node.conf.

Or, on systemd:

systemctl status nrb

NOTE: It is often simplest to do your work on your home machine. For instance, do your work on the Mac, in Pristince Lubuntu, or in Cloud 9. Then commit and push your work, and pull it on EC2. If you do decide to work on EC2, make sure you first commit all your work on your home machine, and then pull it on EC2. Then make your changes on EC2, commit and push, and then pull on your home machine.


Before digging into this further, remember to run sudo:

sudo systemctl status nrb

It may not always be necessary, but it might be a good call.

If our service is not loading, it is often because we have typed something wrong in our service file or typed the right thing but forgotten a step.

Sometimes running journalctl -u nrb can help. Type the letter h in journalctl to learn how to use it. The most import command is to type the letter capital G to go to the end of the journal.

Sometimes journalctl makes it clear what has gone wrong. If it is not helpful, then check everything step by step:

  • Can I run the program on its own without systemd? In other words, does npm start work?
  • Have I set up my symbolic link properly?
  • Did I change all the fields in the service file that needed to be changed? etc.

To see which of your scripts is running, try something like this:

sudo systemctl is-active eip.service
sudo systemctl is-active micro01.service
sudo systemctl is-active git-explorer.service

Or try this:

sudo systemctl show

To see only a few properties:

sudo systemctl show -p ActiveState -p SubState micro01.service

To see all running units: systemctl list-units