
The goal of the Elven Site Starter is to create a simple, first iteration, front end for the MakeHtml project.

Step One

Create a new project.

CreateAllExpress Week03-ElvenSiteStarter
cd Week03-ElvenSiteStarter
npm install elven-site-tools --save
npm install marked --save

The version of elven-site-tools should (automatically) be at least 0.0.6.

Step Two

Put this code in routes/index.js above the exports statement:

router.get('/walk', function(request, response) {
  var directoryToWalk = process.env.HOME + '/Documents/AllTest';
  console.log('start', directoryToWalk);
  walker.buildFileReport(directoryToWalk, '.md', function(report) {
    var directories = walker.getDirectories(report);
    walker.makePage(directoryToWalk, directories, report, function(masterListOfNames, htmlFilesWritten) {
        response.send( { result: 'success',
          directories: directories,
          masterListOfNames: masterListOfNames,
          htmlFilesWritten: htmlFilesWritten

And at the top:

var walker = require('elven-site-tools').walker;

Step Three

Create an interface for the program with an input, button and pre, each in their own DIV. Write a little CSS so that each has a little room to breath. For me, this involved the attributes called padding and margin-top on the DIVs, and width on the INPUT. The IDs for the HTML elements are as follows:

  • input: dirToWalk
  • button: walk
  • pre: display

In your document ready handle button clicks so that they call the walk route on the server and display the results. I used getJSON to do this. You should also be able to define the directory that is to be walked.

On the server side, this directory should be assigned to directoryToWalk. That means you should make some changes to the code I gave you in the previous step.

Back on the client, remember that jQuery has a val method (not html) for working with INPUT elements. Recall also that getJSON can take three parameters:

  • The route
  • The data you want to pass to the server, which in this case is the path to the directory to walk.
  • The call back that returns the results.

Be sure you can pass in a string specifying the directoryToWalk and that you routine uses it rather than the default string I provide in the code above.

Help on input controls for Jade:


Step Four

Take the code one step beyond what I show in the image above. Iterate over the htmlFilesWritten and dynamically create and display valid links to the files. I would display the links in a UL element located between the BUTTON and PRE elements. Have the links open in a separate tab when they are selected. For instance:

<a href="http://localhost/Bar.html" target="_blank">Bar.html</a>

I think you would use slice to help convert a string like /var/www/html/Bar.html into http://localhost/Bar.html. You can use jQuery’s foreach to iterate over the htmlFilesWritten array.

For extra credit, put the method that uses slice to create the new string in your NPM library and include and use your library in the project. Call the method your create something like htmlPathToUrl. You should be able to pass in /var/www/html/garply/Summary.html and get back http://localhost/garply/Summary.html.

Recall that you can use jQuery to append items to a list:


Turn it in

Put your work your repository in the folder referenced in Step One. Push your repository and submit the assignment.