
The ElvenSiteRefactorPair assignment gives you a chance to refactor your code into logical classes. This should be a step toward providing your code with an architecture that is easy to understand, and easy to test.

Do your work in the midterm branch. Please specify which one you use.

The following diagram is for use with the command line version of our program, which is called MakeHtml. However, the MakeHtml program does the same thing as ElvenSite. Just substitute the word ElvenSite (your midterm) every place you see MakeHtml


Refactoring Overview

My code ended up refactored into the following classes:

  • elf
  • elf.SiteConfig
  • elf.ImagePicker // To be added later
  • elf.Walking
  • elf.utilities
  • elf.display

Set up is done in SiteConfig. For instance, I call loadConfig in this file, and I set up the button click handlers for the buttons in views/index.jade:

function SiteConfig() {

Don’t set up button handlers here for buttons on HTML pages that have not been loaded yet.

The Walking class handles calling the server side route that calls the elven-site-tools code for iterating through the markdown that is kept in directories like AllTest. Th getJSON call that calls the /walking route is found in this class:

function callServer(requestQuery, requestIndex, callback) {
    $.getJSON('/walk', requestQuery, function (result) {
    // Code omitted here

ImagePicker is for calling the elven-site-tools code for iterating over a batch of images and creating a markdown file. The elven-site-tools code also creates a smaller version of the main image. This code will be discussed in another assignment.

The display class contains all the code that displays information on an HTML page.

The elf Class

This object can create the constructor objects such as SiteConfig, Walking and ImagePicker:

var elf = {
    init: function() {
        'use strict';
        elf.siteConfig = new elf.SiteConfig();
        elf.walking = new elf.Walking();
        elf.imagePicker = new elf.ImagePicker();

The class is also used for global abatement. That is, it is used to limit the number of variables put in the global name space. Our program, should, in fact, put only the elf class in the global name space.

Create Display Class

The display class is created to be sure there is a separation of concerns. All code that has to do with displaying objects and their data goes in this class. We could refactor into multiple display classes, one for each object, if our program became more complicated.

elf.display = {

    clear:function() {

    clearConfig: function() {

    fillDisplayArea: function(stringToDisplay) {

    showApacheFiles: function(files, destinationDir) {
        files.forEach(function(file) {
            var base = "/var/www/html/";
            var extra = destinationDir.slice(base.length, destinationDir.length);
            var url = 'http://localhost/' + extra + file.slice(destinationDir.length, file.length);
            $('#displayList').append('<li><a href=\"' + url + '\" target=\"_blank\">' + url + '</a></li>');

    showHtmlFiles: function(files, destinationDir) {
        files.forEach(function(file) {
            // var index = file.lastIndexOf('/');
            var url = 'http://localhost/' + file.slice(destinationDir.length, file.length);
            $('#displayList').append('<li><a href=\"' + url + '\" target=\"_blank\">' + url + '</a></li>');

    showDebug: function(value) {
        $('#debug').append('<li>' + value + '</li>');


Create Walking Class

elf.Walking = (function() {

    function Walking() {



    return Walking

Set up Jasmine

To unit test the code on the server side, we want to set up jasmine. The first step is to create a jasmine.json file in a folder called spec/support. We are meeting a requirement developed by the authors of Jasmine. In particular, Jasmine expects to find this file in this location.

The /spec/support/jasmine.json file looks like this:

  "spec_dir": "spec",
  "spec_files": [

The file says two things:

  • Our tests are in a directory called spec.
  • Each of our test suites is stored in a file that begins with the word test. For instance: test-basics.js.


You should modify layout.jade. Be sure to include:

meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width')
title= title

My control.js file now mostly contains elf.SiteContig with a constructor and loadConfig. Should we refactor into another class?

Turn it in

Push your branch.