
I did some more work on the Elven Image Editing program. It can, if used properly, now create a script that will sort out the images you have used from those you kept.

Some images to use:

The images, by default, have spaces in their names. This is almost always a problem waiting to happen. To fix it, unzip the images into:


Like this:

mkdir /var/www/html/images/california
cp California.zip /var/www/html/images/california
unzip California.zip

Navigate to the directory where the images are now stored, and run the following command:

find -name "* *" -type f | rename "s/ /_/g"

This command changes a filename like foo bar.zip to foo_bar.zip.

Step One: Install

Get the latest copy of ElvenImages and set up a script that will help you “install” it. There are three steps:

  1. Update JsObjects
  2. Copy the renewElvenImages script to ~/Source.
  3. Run renewElvenImages. This will put the latest ElvenImages code in ~/Sources and run npm install.
git pull
cp -r $JSOBJECTS/JavaScript/NodeCode/ElvenImages/renewElvenImages ~/Source/.
cd ~/Source

Step Two: Setup The Config File

Like MakeHtml, we have a config file. It looks something like this:

	"elvenImages": {
		"baseDir": "/var/www/html",
		"markdownFileWithImages": "/home/charlie/Documents/AllTest/california.md",
		"allImagesJsonFile": "all-images.json",
		"imageDir": "/images/california/",
		"notUsedDir": "/home/charlie/temp/not-used/california"

Make sure it points at bcuser or ubuntu as appropriate. (This program will probably be run most often from pristine lubuntu, so bcuser is the most common choice.)

As a general rul, you can leave the baseDir and allImagesJsonFile alone. You should, however, commonly want to edit:

  • markDownFileWithImages: This is the primary file that the program creates. You will typically open this file in a markdown editor and delete the images you don’t want and comment the images you do want.
  • imageDir: This is the folder that contains the images you want use in your page. Typically, you move the images from your camera to this folder. Right now, I’m thinking the imageDir will always be a subdirectory of baseDir. If this proves awkward, we can change it, but for now I’m thinking this is the right choice.
  • noteUsedDir will be discussed later.

NOTE: Be sure you understand what I mean by the markdownFileWithImages. I’ll use that term throughout this assignment. I’m referring to the copy of california.md in your AllTest directory.

Step Three: Run

If everything is set up right, then run the program:

npm start

Now open the markdownFileWithImages in a markdown editor. Delete the images you don’t want, add comments for the images you do want.

I decided, at least for now, to not put the full path to the images in the markdownFileWithImages. Instead I used the relative path expected on our website. Here is an example full path:


Here is an example relative path of the type I’m now using:


This means that you won’t see an image in the markdown editor by default. To fix this issue, create a symbolic link from the root of the system to the apache images directory:

sudo ln -s /var/www/html/images /images

After doing this, the images should show up when you open them in an editor.

NOTE: Don’t change any of the markdown code for displaying images. You can delete the lines, or leave them, but don’t change them.

NOTE: I had trouble performing this step in Remarkable. I would try atom or possible haropad.

  • Atom web site: https://atom.io/
  • You should be able to install from the deb file. Try downloading the deb package, and then double clicking on it. Or:
sudo dpkg -i <DEB_PACKAGE>

Install the markdown writer: https://atom.io/packages/markdown-writer

The keymaps for the atom markdown writer:

# Default Keymaps for Markdown Writer
# https://atom.io/packages/markdown-writer
# Wiki: https://github.com/zhuochun/md-writer/wiki/Settings-for-Keymaps
".platform-linux atom-text-editor:not([mini])":
  "shift-ctrl-K": "markdown-writer:insert-link"
  "shift-ctrl-I": "markdown-writer:insert-image"
  "ctrl-i":       "markdown-writer:toggle-italic-text"
  "ctrl-b":       "markdown-writer:toggle-bold-text"
  "ctrl-'":       "markdown-writer:toggle-code-text"
  "ctrl-h":       "markdown-writer:toggle-strikethrough-text"
  "ctrl-1":       "markdown-writer:toggle-h1"
  "ctrl-2":       "markdown-writer:toggle-h2"
  "ctrl-3":       "markdown-writer:toggle-h3"
  "ctrl-4":       "markdown-writer:toggle-h4"
  "ctrl-5":       "markdown-writer:toggle-h5"
In the atom menu choose: **Edit Preferences** to open the settings page. At the top of the key bindings page choose the link to your keymap file. It is called keymap.cson and can paste the following into it and hope that it works:
".platform-linux atom-text-editor[data-grammar~='gfm']":
  "shift-ctrl-K": "markdown-writer:insert-link"
  "shift-ctrl-I": "markdown-writer:insert-image"
  "ctrl-i":       "markdown-writer:toggle-italic-text"
  "ctrl-b":       "markdown-writer:toggle-bold-text"
  "cmd-'":       "markdown-writer:toggle-code-text"
  "cmd-k":       "markdown-writer:toggle-keystroke-text"
  "cmd-h":       "markdown-writer:toggle-strikethrough-text"
  "ctrl-alt-1":  "markdown-writer:toggle-h1"
  "ctrl-alt-2":  "markdown-writer:toggle-h2"
  "ctrl-alt-3":  "markdown-writer:toggle-h3"
  "ctrl-alt-4":  "markdown-writer:toggle-h4"
  "ctrl-alt-5":  "markdown-writer:toggle-h5"
  "shift-ctrl-O": "markdown-writer:toggle-ol"
  "shift-ctrl-U": "markdown-writer:toggle-ul"
  "shift-ctrl->": "markdown-writer:toggle-blockquote"
  'shift-ctrl-"': "markdown-writer:toggle-codeblock-text"
  "alt-P": "markdown-writer:jump-to-previous-heading"
  "alt-J": "markdown-writer:jump-to-next-heading"
  "cmd-j cmd-d": "markdown-writer:jump-between-reference-definition"
  "shift-alt-t": "markdown-writer:jump-to-next-table-cell"

To have the markdown preview show up in a right hand pane, choose Ctrl-Shift-M.

Step Four: Delete or Move Unused Images

Once you have edited you page, you frequently find that there are now images in your /var/www/images/xxx directory that you no longer need. I’ve written a node script that should find all the remaining images in your markdownFileWithImages and compare them to a list of all the images that were in the file when it was first created.

NOTE: When you can npm start a list of all images used was saved in the allImagesJsonFile which is called, by default, all-images.json.

The code finds the difference between the original set of images and images left in the markdownFileWithImages. It saves the difference in a script called moveNotUsed.sh. If you run this script, it will move all the images that are not being used to notUsedDir specified in the config file.

To create the script, run the program again with npm start. This time choose the menu item that says: Find Used Images.

Now run the bash script created by the Find Used Images menu choice. To run it, do something like this:

sh moveNotUsed.sh

NOTE: Because of space considerations, please don’t leave more than ten, and perferably about 5, images in the folder you used for this assignment.

Step Five: Move to EC2

Run MakeHtml and test your page on the Pristine Lubuntu Apache Server.

Now move the images you kept and the markdownFileWithImages that you created into your repository. In particular, copy california.md from ~/Documents/AllTest to the AllTest folder in your repository. Then copy the images in /var/www/html/images/california into the appropriate directory in your ApachaHelpers folder.

SSH to Ec2. Pull your repository. Copy your images from ApacheHelpers/california to your /var/www/images/california directory. Copy your latest markdown, including california.md to your ~/Documents/AllTest folder. Run MakeHtml and view your converted markdownFileWithIimages HTML file via your elastic IP. In other words, show me calfifornia.html running on EC2.

Turn it in

When you submit the assignment:

  • Make sure your images and markdownFileWithImages is in your repository.
  • Put the screen shot of your HTML file running on localhost on Google Drive in a folder called ElvenImageEditing.
  • Put the screen shot of your HTML file running on the elastic ip for your AWS server in the same Google Drive folder
  • Use the text page on Canvas, provide a clickable link pointing at your page running on your AWS elastic IP.