
The Elf Log Bower project involves:

  • Logging on the client site (npm was the server side)
  • Creating a Git repository

Step One

Make an empty directory in your ~/Git folder called lastname-tools, where last name is your last name. Navigate into it and run git init.

Create a bower.json file with bower init.

When you get to the section that looks like this, I just press enter without selecting any of them:

what types of modules does this package expose? (Press <space> to select)
❯◯ amd
 ◯ es6
 ◯ globals
 ◯ node
 ◯ yui

If I were to pick one, I would perhaps find it appropriate to select globals, since we end up using a global variable to access the code in the module. If you are using requirejs, which we do from time to time in my classes, the pick amd. I don’t think it reallhy matters what you pick, however, as this is just information. Bower does not, as far as I know, do anything with this information.

For instance:

  "name": "elven-tools",
  "authors": [
    "Charlie Calvert"
  "description": "Various front end tools for use with bower",
  "main": "index.js",
  "moduleType": [],
  "keywords": [
  "license": "MIT",
  "homepage": "http://www.elvenware.com",
  "ignore": [

Step Two

Create index.js file, which for now just says its name:


Step Three

Create elf-log.js, which for now looks like this:

(function() {

    'use strict';

    function ElfLog() {
        this.debugLevel = this.logLevelWarn;

    //var levels = ['error', 'warn', 'info', 'silent'];
    var that;

    ElfLog.prototype.logLevelError = 0;
    ElfLog.prototype.logLevelWarn = 1;
    ElfLog.prototype.logLevelDetails = 2;
    ElfLog.prototype.logLevelInfo = 3;
    ElfLog.prototype.logLevelSilent = 4;

    ElfLog.prototype.debugLevel = undefined;

    ElfLog.prototype.setLevel = function(level) {
        // console.log("Set log level", level);
        this.debugLevel = level;

    ElfLog.prototype.log = function(level, message) {
        // console.log("Level:", level, 'debugLevel: ', this.debugLevel);
        if (level >= this.debugLevel) {
            if (typeof message !== 'string') {
                message = JSON.stringify(message);
            console.log(level + ': ' + message);

    that = new ElfLog();
    window.elfLog = that;

Step Four

Go to GitHub. Sign in. (I think we can use either GitHub or BitBucket, but in either case, your repository should be public.) Create a new empty repository with a name like lastname-tools or whatever you like.

Both GitHub and BitBucket will tell you how to push the contents of your repository to GitHub. I believe it is just two lines of code that might look something like this:

git remote add origin git@github.com:charliecalvert/deletemenow.git
git push -u origin master

To finish setting up your repository, perform a git add and commit and then run those lines of code from inside your repository. That is, run the commands from inside the directories of your repository on your file system.

Step Five

Create a Git Tag and push it:

git tag -a v0.0.1 -m "Initial Release"

And then either of these:

git push origin master v0.0.1
git push origin master --tags

This tag is the version number for your bower package. Increment it and push it when you want to publish a new version of your code.

Step Six: Register it

Register it like this:

$ bower register <my-package-name> <git-url>

For example:

bower register bowerdeleteme git@github.com:charliecalvert/deletemenow.git

If you modify your code, just update the tag (semver) and then you can just re-issue the above command to update your package to the next version.

Step Seven: Use it

First check to make sure your bower package actually exists:

As you can see, a search for elven-tools on the bower site succeeds. A search for your package should also succeed.

NOTE: If your search fails, you can also try the bower info command. For instance: bower info elven-tools.

Use CreateAllExpress to create a new project called Week07-ElfLogBower. Add your package this project. For instance, you can install my bower package into your project like this:

bower install elven-tools --save

But of course, you should use your copy of elf-log.js, not mine. So you should do something like this, where last name is your last name:

bower install lastname-tools --save

In your layout.jade load components/elven-tools/elfLog.js.

Like this in layout.jade:


Now set it up:

elfLog.log(elfLog.logLevelDetails, "button 1 clicked");

Turn it in

When you submit the assignment, tell me:

  • The name and associated URLS for your git repository.
  • The bower install command to install it.
