
Your goal is to refine the BitlyInteractive program into something reasonably attractive and easy to use.


Create Project

Copy Week06-BitlyInteractive into Week07-BitlyRefine

cp Week06-BitlyInteractive Week07-BitlyRefine

Update the project name to BitlyRefine in:

  • bin/www
  • routes/index.js
  • package.json

NOTE: I understand why you would want to work on a single project and keep updating it, but I want you to work one step at a time. I’m expecting to see three directories: Week06-BitlyQuery, Week06-BitlyInteractive, and Week07-BitlyRefine. Each folder should contain the proper code for their respective assignments.

Display Updates

Right now we have several methods that have to do with displaying the fields of a link object. These don’t really belong in the main object found in control.js. Let’s move then into their own file called display.

In particular, I’m talking about the methods called:

  • display
  • showRecord

I want you to rename display to display.render. The object you create should have at least this much in it:

  • display.render
  • display.showRecord
  • display.renderTable
  • display.showTableSelection

The latter two methods can be empty for now. So your code might look something like this:

var elfDisplay={

    render: function () {
        'use strict';
        // VERY SIMILAR TO CODE FROM BitlyInteractive

    renderTable: function(links) {
        'use strict';

    showRecord: function (bitlyLink) {
        'use strict';

    showTableSelection: function(event) {
        'use strict';


Don’t forget that you need to load your new JavaScript files in layout.jade. In particular you will need to load control.js, downloads.js, movement.js and display.js:


Don’t forget to include the downloads module in the project. It was given to you in bitly interactive.

More information is available below in the Create Table section.

Clear Controls

You will also want to clear the table so that the user can see the new data when you switch back and forth between local and cloud data. The call should be made just before you want to fill in the table with new data.

elfDownloads.clearControls = function() {
    'use strict';

Elf Unity

This is a refactoring issue. We want to take a halfway step to fixing the global namespace problem. Let’s begin by making sure all our objects begin with the letters elf.

While you are doing the following, be sure you are running the unit tests. We are going to be changing variable names in multiple locations, and even when using Refactor in WebStorm, this can be complicated. As you make changes, run your unit tests and make sure they all pass. Also, check to make sure the interface works.

The refactor option in WebStorm can help with this process, but it can also make changes that you are not expecting. I think the unit tests are more help than the refactor option, but you may have a different opinion.

NOTE: Make changes one at a time. If you attempt to make too many changes at once, you won’t know what is broken. Make a change, confirm that it works, then make the next change.

In particular, rename the main objects in your program as follows:

  • elfBitly (This was bitlyUrlParser and is in control.js)
  • elfMovement (movement.js)
  • elfDisplay (display.js)
  • elfDownloads (downloads.js)

We are not changing any file names, just the objects in the files.

Given these changes, we would call the renderTable method in display.js from a modified getBlitlyLinks method:

getBitlyLinks: function(accessToken) {
    'use strict';
    var url = elfBitly.getUrl(accessToken);

    $.getJSON(url, function(result) {
        elfBitly.bitlyLinks = result;
        $('#displayLinks').html(JSON.stringify(result, null, 4));
    }).fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
        var err = textStatus + ', ' + error;
        console.log('Request Failed: ' + err);
        console.log('url:', url);

CSS Updates

Create the .elfDiv class in styles.css

Set the border width in styles.css

Changes to elfInput, including moving to its own file.

Describe the elfDivFolder

Here is my current public/stylesheets/style.css file:

body {
  padding: 10px;
  font: 14px "Lucida Grande", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

a {
  color: #00B7FF;

.elfDiv {
  max-width: 800px;
  border: ridge 1px black;
  margin: auto;

.scroller {
  height: 220px;
  overflow: auto;

Note that I have set the padding in the BODY tag to 10px rather than the default 50px that we get by default in Express projects.

The elfDiv class ensures that the width of our panels is never larger than 800px, and that the panels are centered in the page. We center them by setting their margins to equivalent values: margin:auto.

The scroller class is used to help us scroll the table that we put inside a panel, as described elsewhere in this document.

Creating a table

Our interface has a new section in it called Bitly Links Table. (See screen shot above.) Here are some hints on how to create it.

In elfDisplay fill in the renderTable method. In the code shown below, you will need to discover which fields of the link object you want to include to create results like that shown in the screenshot:

    renderTable: function(links) {
        'use strict';
        $.each(links, function(index, link) {
            var title = "<td>" + WHAT GOES HERE? +  "</td>";
            var keyword = "<td>" + WHAT GOES HERE? + "</td>";
            var tableRowStart = "<tr class='linkTitle' index=" + index + ">";
            $("#tableLinks").append(tableRowStart + WHAT GOES HERE? + "<tr>");

Notice that each <TR> has a class and custom attribute called index associated with it:

var tableRowStart = "<tr class='linkTitle' index=" + index + ">";

The jQuery code at the bottom of the method ensures that if the user clicks on one of these rows, then the elfDisplay.showTableSelection method will be called:

showTableSelection: function(event) {
    'use strict';
    var index = $(event.currentTarget).attr('index');
    var link = elfBitly.getLinkHistory(index, true);
    // CALL THE showRecord METHOD OF elfDisplay HERE.

This code requires a moment’s study. Each <TR> element has an attribute called index that is set to the offset of that particular row in our bitly-links.json file. We can use that index to display the appropriate link object in our main form. All we need to do, is get ahold of the value of the index attribute for the row the user clicked. To do that, we use the jQuery attr property. Make sure you understand this code. It is important to understand how to work with attributes of your HTML elements.

Here is the updated getLinkHistory method:

getLinkHistory: function(index, setLinkIndex) {
    'use strict';
    if (setLinkIndex) {
        elfBitly.linkIndex = parseInt(index);
    return elfBitly.bitlyLinks.data.link_history[index];


As you can see, it is has been modified to ensure that we continue to track the currently selected item in the linkIndex property of elfBitly

Here is the Jade that we use to hold our table.

+elfPanel("Bitly Links Table").elfDiv

This jade and CSS scroller class found in styles.css ensure that our table has scroll bars and can be scrolled.

Jade Mixins

Start dividing mixins into easy to comprehend files. When you are done, the top of index.jade might look something like this:

extends layout
include mixin-radios
include mixin-inputs
include mixin-buttons

Here are my mixin-buttons.jade file:

mixin forwardBack(leftFunction, rightFunction)
    button.btn.btn-success.btn-large(type='button', onclick= leftFunction)
       | &nbsp; Left
    span &nbsp;
    button.btn.btn-success.btn-large(type='button', onclick= rightFunction)
       | Right &nbsp;

mixin downloadButton(title, downloadFunction)
    button.btn.btn-primary(type='button', onclick= downloadFunction)
        | #{title} &nbsp;&nbsp;

One could use them like this:

+forwardBack("elfMovement.left()", "elfMovement.right()")
+downloadButton("Get Bitly Data", "downloads.getBitlyData()")

I have also moved the input controls into their own file called mixin-inputs.jade:

// **************
// Vertical Input Controls
// **************

mixin elfInput(labelText, name, placeHolder)
      label(for='subject') #{labelText}
      input(type='text', name=name, placeholder=placeHolder)&attributes(attributes)

mixin elfInputVB(labelText, name, placeHolder, labelType)
   - if (typeof attributes.buttonType === 'undefined') {
   -        attributes.buttonType="btn-default";
   - }

      label.label.label-default(for='subject') #{labelText}
      input(type='text', name=name, placeholder=placeHolder)&attributes(attributes)

// **************
// Horizontal Input Controls
// **************
mixin elfInputA(labelText, name, placeHolder)
      label.col-md-2.control-label(for='textinput') #{labelText}
         input.form-control.input-md(name=name, type='text', placeholder=placeholder)&attributes(attributes)

mixin elfInputB(labelText, name, placeHolder)
         span.col-md-2.label.label-success #{labelText}
         input.form-control.input-md(name=name, type='text', placeholder=placeholder)&attributes(attributes)

mixin elfInputHorizontal(labelText, name, placeHolder)
      span.col-xs-2.label.label-success #{labelText}
         input.form-control.input-sm(name=name, type='text', placeholder=placeholder)&attributes(attributes)

All this is in $ELF_TEMPLATES. Therefore the following code should get up to date, so long as you first ran git pull in JsObjects:

cp $ELF_TEMPLATES/JadeMixins/mixin-inputs.jade views/.
cp $ELF_TEMPLATES/JadeMixins/mixin-radios.jade views/.
cp $ELF_TEMPLATES/JadeMixins/mixin-buttons.jade views/.

Another way to handle this is with the file and directory comparison utility called meld. It is available in Pristine Lubuntu:

meld views/ $ELF_TEMPLATES/JadeMixins

NOTE: I’ve never tried it, but there is some chance that Midnight Commander might work on Cloud9. Perhaps you can use it to do directory comparisons.

To install midnight command: sudo apt-get install mc

Set up the Title

In routes/index.js create a new variable for use when Jade is rendered into HTML. You should, of course, use your own name:

res.render('index', { title: 'Bitly-Refine', author: 'John von Neumann' });

Change the title to show the author:

        h1= title
        p by WHAT GOES HERE?

Unit Tests

There are many unit tests in $ELF_TEMPLATES/UnitTest/BitlyRefine. Copy them all into your spec folder and make sure they all pass.

There are some jasmine-jquery (fixture) tests in some of the specs. For instance, look for these calls to loadFixtures or elfFixtureUtil.loadFixture in:

  • test-jade.js
  • test-interface.js

To get these specs running correctly, see the GruntCheck03 assignment. In particular, make sure you have run the following without error:

  • check-karma-grunt-config
  • grunt fixture

Run check-karma-grunt-config first as it helps you with the setup. Once it is all green, then run grunt fixture. Also, take a moment to look at spec/test-fixture-util.js.

Turn it in

Per usual.

Copy All Tests

Be sure that you have copied in all the tests from JsObjects. First run this command to see if there are any differences between your specs directory and the ELF_TEMPLATES BitlyRefine specs:

diff spec/ $ELF_TEMPLATES/UnitTest/BitlyRefine/

If something is wrong, you might get results like this:

diff spec/test-basic.js /home/charlie/Git/JsObjects/Utilities/Templates/UnitTest/BitlyRefine/test-basic.js
>     it('shows we can call getLinkHistoryArray', function() {
>         elfBitly.getBitlyLinks();
>         var historyArray = elfBitly.getLinkHistoryArray();
>         expect(historyArray.length).toBe(50);
>     });
>     it('shows getLinkHistoryItem sets elfBitly.linkIndex', function() {
>         elfBitly.getBitlyLinks();
>         var historyArray = elfBitly.getLinkHistoryItem(12, true);
>         expect(elfBitly.linkIndex).toBe(12);
>     });
diff spec/test-files.js /home/charlie/Git/JsObjects/Utilities/Templates/UnitTest/BitlyRefine/test-files.js
> /**
>  * Created by charlie on 11/9/15.
>  */
Only in /home/charlie/Git/JsObjects/Utilities/Templates/UnitTest/BitlyRefine/: test-fixture-util.js
Only in /home/charlie/Git/JsObjects/Utilities/Templates/UnitTest/BitlyRefine/: test-interface.js
Only in /home/charlie/Git/JsObjects/Utilities/Templates/UnitTest/BitlyRefine/: test-jade.js
Only in spec/: test-jasmine-jquery.js
diff spec/test-local-cloud.js /home/charlie/Git/JsObjects/Utilities/Templates/UnitTest/BitlyRefine/test-local-cloud.js

ETC ...

To fix this problem, consider running this command:

cp $ELF_TEMPLATES/UnitTest/BitlyRefine/* spec/

Now the diff command should come back clean.

elfDelicious.deliciousLInks should be declared like this:

var elfDelicious = {

    deliciousLinks: null,

It should contain the contents of the delicious-javascript-links.js file which is part, I believe, of the Week0X.DeliciousQuery project. It is also in $ELF_TEMPLATES/WebServices. Once you find it, I would put it in Week1X-HyperExplore/spec/data directory. Make sure that Karma loads it by writing something like this in the files object of karma.conf.js:


That way both it and bitly-links.js will be loaded by karma. The file’s contents should be loaded automatically and assigned to elfDelicious.deliciousLinks by this code in our tests:

beforeEach(function() {
    spyOn($, 'ajax').and.callFake(function(ajaxObject) {
        return {
            fail: function() {}

Test Directories

In $ELF_TEMPLATES/UnitTest/HyperExplorer there are two directories called data and fixtures. Your data directory should hold files like:

  • bitly-links.js
  • delicious-javascript-links.js
  • tweets.js
  • tweets-timeline.js

There is also a fixture directory. Your fixture directory should hold files like this:

  • bitly.html
  • delicious.html
  • fixture.html
  • test-local-cloud.html
  • twitter.html

To create some of the fixture code, expand the code in the files directory for karma.conf.js:

jade: {
    compile: {
        options: {
            pretty: true,
            data: {
                debug: false
        files: {
            'spec/fixtures/delicious.html': ['views/delicious.jade', '$ELF_TEMPLATES/JadeMixins/*.jade'],
            'spec/fixtures/fixture.html': ['views/fixture.jade', '$ELF_TEMPLATES/JadeMixins/*.jade'],
            'spec/fixtures/twitter.html': ['views/twitter.jade', '$ELF_TEMPLATES/JadeMixins/*.jade']
