
The goals:

  • Write tests for a new directive called elfSimpleFormat
  • Create the elfSimpleFormat directive.
  • Write tests for a front end for our new directive
  • Create a front end for the new directive on a new page


Before we get started, let’s set up our branch for this week. We have at least three tasks:

  1. Create a new branch.
  2. Check it out.
  3. Rename Week05-SolarExplorer to Week07-SolarExplorer.

Something like this:

git branch week07
git checkout week07
git mv Week05-SolarExplorer Week07-SolarExplorer

If you have not done so already, you should also merge your work from the week06 branch into master:

git checkout master
git merge week06

Now switch back to week07: git checkout week07

Testing Simple Format

You know from the tests in our previous assignment what an object based on our simple format looks like:

it('proves we can transform our json into an array with three properties: geo, solar, and wind', function() {
  var simpleFormat = scope.renewableUtils.getSimpleFormat();
  var keys = Object.keys(simpleFormat[0]);
  expect(keys).toEqual(['geo', 'solar', 'wind']);

In particular, it looks something like this:

var simpleFormat = {
  geo: 1,
  solar: 2,
  wind: 3

The instance above has its property set to random data. When working with real data, the values are very unlikely ever to be 1, 2 and 3. But those values will work fine in our tests.

What we want to do is write tests proving that we can create some HTML that will hold objects of this type. The first step, then will be to creat a simple-format.jade file. As you know, we can use the jade program to convert it to HTML so it can be used as a fixture in our tests:

jade views/simple-format.jade --out='spec/fixtures/'

In .jscsrc exclude the data folder. In Gruntfile.js don’t try to beautify the data folder.

Don’t forget to run grunt check and clean up all errors such as missing use strict, invalid quote marks, etc.

NOTE: With JSCS, you can use single quotes for a string, and double quotes for embedded quotes inside a string: ‘My “embedded” string’.

With angular, you can usually delete an $(document).ready() statements as it takes care of this for you.

Test Simple Format

We need to create spec/test-simple-format-fixture.js.

NOTE: In an early draft of this assignment I’d called this file test-simple-format.js. If necessary, ask git to rename your test suite to test-simple-format-fixture.js. Otherwise create it from scratch. Note that the file, which is shown below, has been updated since that earlier draft.

Do this only if necessary, only if it makes sense in the context of the current state of your project:

cd spec
git mv test-simple-format.js test-simple-format-fixture.js
cd ..

NOTE: In the code above I include a command to navigate into the spec directory. I do this because I’ve found that some students can’t see the need to do that before asking git to rename our file. However, when I give instructions on this level of details, some students who know better start becoming automatons, and forget to navigate back to the project’s root directory before issuing other commands. So I provide both navigation commands. We are nearing the point in this class, however, when it should no longer be necessary to provide this level of detail when giving instructions of this type. In fact, I should be able to simply ask you to rename the file without telling you how to do it. If you feel that you can’t follow instructions of that type, you should do whatever is necessary to get to that level of proficiency. For instance, work through the Learn the Command Line lesson on Code Academy. You could also read the free online book called The Linux Command Line.

Here are the tests themselves. Note that the last two have changed since their first appearance:

describe('Simple Format Fixture Suite', function() {

    'use strict';

    var scope;
    var element;
    var mainController;
    var $templateCache;
    var $compile;


     * instantiate the controller without the directive
     * Get the Angular compiler and templateCache for processing Angular templates
    beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, _$rootScope_, _$templateCache_, _$controller_) {
        scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
        $compile = _$compile_;
        $templateCache = _$templateCache_;

        mainController = _$controller_('MainController', {
            $scope: scope

    beforeEach(function() {
        jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = 'base/spec/fixtures/';

    it('expects true to be true', function() {

    it('should find the index', function() {

    it('should be possible to access the fixture', function() {
        var simpleFormatHtml = document.getElementById('simpleFormat');

    it('should be possible to access the fixture and put real data in it.', function() {
        scope.simpleFormat = [{
            geo: 1,
            solar: 2,
            wind: 3

        var simpleFormatHtml = document.getElementById('simpleFormat');
        $templateCache.put('simple-format', simpleFormatHtml);
        var element = $compile('<elf-simple-format></elf-simple-format>')(scope);

        expect(simpleFormatHtml.innerHTML).toContain('Solar: 2');
        expect(simpleFormatHtml.innerHTML).toContain('Geo: 1');
        expect(simpleFormatHtml.innerHTML).toContain('Wind: 3');


Simple Format Directive

Now lets create a new directive called elfSimpleFormat. Declare it just below the point in main.js where you declare the elfRenewable directive.

The HTML version of our new directive looks like this:

elfApp.directive('elfSimpleFormat', function() {
  'use strict';
  return {
      controller: 'MainController',
      template: 'Solar: &#123;&#123;simpleFormat[index].solar&#125;&#125;' +
          '<br>Geo: &#123;&#123;simpleFormat[index].geo&#125;&#125;' +
          '<br>Wind: &#123;&#123;simpleFormat[index].wind&#125;&#125;'

As you can see, this declaration uses template rather than templateUrl. You should:

  • Convert this HTML to jade
  • Save it to a file called simple-format.jade
  • Convert the directive to use templateUrl rather than template.

It should, of course, look like this:

elfApp.directive('elfSimpleFormat', function() {
    'use strict';
    return {
        controller: 'MainController',
        templateUrl: 'simple-format'

If you have not done so already, you also need to update the MainController’s method called getRenewable so that it has access to our simpleFormat object:

$scope.getRenewable = function() {
        .then(function(res) {
            $scope.renewable = res.data;
            $scope.renewableUtils = renewableUtils;
            $scope.simpleFormat = renewableUtils.getSimpleFormat();

Test Simple Format Backend

We need to create a first take on our spec/test-simple-format-backend.js, which is our holy grail. This is what we have been building towards. Furthermore, we can flesh out these suite with additional tests to see if we can perform operations on our data. The first step, however, is simply to ensure that we can load our data and fill in the appropriate fields with “mock” data from our json-as-renewables.js file.

describe('Simple Format HttpBackend Suite', function() {

    'use strict';

    var scope;
    var $httpBackend;
    var mainController;
    var $templateCache;
    var $compile;


     * instantiate the controller without the directive
     * Get the Angular compiler and templateCache for processing Angular templates
    beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, _$rootScope_, _$httpBackend_, _$templateCache_, _$controller_) {
        scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
        $compile = _$compile_;
        $templateCache = _$templateCache_;
        $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
        mainController = _$controller_('MainController', {
            $scope: scope

    beforeEach(function() {
        scope.index = 5;
        var requestHandler = $httpBackend
            .when('GET', 'data/Renewable.json')


    afterEach(function() {

    beforeEach(function() {
        jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = 'base/spec/fixtures/';

    it('expects true to be true', function() {

    it('tests simple-format directive loaded through fixture with httpBackend', function() {

        var el = document.getElementById('simpleFormat');

        $templateCache.put('simple-format', el);
        var element = $compile('<elf-simple-format></elf-simple-format>')(scope);

        console.log(JSON.stringify(scope.simpleFormat, null, 4));
        // Check that the compiled element contains the templated content

    it('tests that we can index through simple-format directive to the fifth element', function() {

        var el = document.getElementById('simpleFormat');
        $templateCache.put('simple-format', el);
        var element = $compile('<elf-simple-format></elf-simple-format>')(scope);
        scope.index = 5;


When looking at this code, a key section is the beforeEach call to getRenewables:

beforeEach(function() {
    scope.index = 5;
    var requestHandler = $httpBackend
        .when('GET', 'data/Renewable.json')


This code calls the getRenewable method on our MainController’s scope.

Simple Format Page

We are going to add a new page to the application and use it to display the SimpleFormat directory. When we are done, our Single Page App (SPA) will have three “pages”:

  • Home
  • Simple Format
  • About

Home Page

Caption: The Home page displays the elf renewable directive.

Simple Format Page

Caption: The Simple Format page displays the simple format directive.

In index.jade, between home and about, add the following menu item:

li(ng-class="{ active: isActive('/simple-format')}")
  a(ng-href='#/simple-format') Simple Format

In public/javascript/app.js, between Home and About, add the following angular route:

.when('/simple-format', {
    templateUrl: 'simple-format-page',
    controller: 'SimpleFormatController'

Make a copy of main.js and call it simple-format-page.js. We want to display the elfRenewable directive on the main page and the elfSimpleFormat directive on the simple-format-page. As a result, you should:

  • remove the elfSimpleFormat directive from main.js
  • remove the elfRenewable directive from simple-format-page.js.

Copy main.jade to simple-format-page.jade and perform similar operations. For instance:

  • remove the elfSimpleFormat tag from main.jade
  • remove the elfRenewable tag from simple-format-page.jade

Change the name of the controller in simple-format-page.js from MainController to SimpleFormatController:

elfApp.controller('SimpleFormatController', function($scope, $http, renewableUtils) {

Be sure to load simple-format-page.js in layout.jade.

Test Rewewable by Year

Copy main.js to renewable-by-year.js. Set the controller name RenewableByYearController:

elfApp.controller('RenewableByYearController', function($scope, $http, renewableUtils) {
   // We'll change this code later.

Write a method on renewableUtils called getByYear(year). Pass it a year, and it should return an object with

  • An index property set to the index of the object with that year
  • The object at that index

You should also write a method on the scope of your RenewableByYearController called getByYear. It should

  • Call your new method: var yearData = renewableUtils.getByYear(year)
  • Set the $scope.index to yearData.index.
  • Create a new property $scope.renewableBy and set it to yearData.renewable
  • Return renewableByYear

Like this:

$scope.getByYear = function(year) {
    var renewableData = $scope.renewableUtils.getByYear(year);
    $scope.index = renewableData.index;
    $scope.renewableByYear = renewableData.renewable;
    return $scope.renewableByYear;

When implementing renewableUtils.getByYear(year) be sure you can handle the year in either string or numeric format. For instance, consider either:

  • Doing a test to see the year parameter is a number and if so converting it to string.
  • Using == rather than === so that you can compare a string like ‘2017’ to the number 2017 and get back true.

Don’t forget to run:

Create renewable-by-year.jade and base it on renewable.jade but set the ID to renewableByYear. And don’t index into renewable. For instance, where you see this:

| First: {{renewable[index].Year}}

Do this instead:

| First: {{renewableByYear.Year}}

Convert it to a fixture:

jade views/renewable-by-year.jade --out spec/fixtures

Also rename the RenewableByYearController (in renewable-by-year.js) method called getRenewable to getRenewableByYear. Like this:

$scope.getRenewableByYear = function() { }

Your code should pass these tests which should be found in test-renewable-by-year.js:

describe('Renewable By Year Suite', function () {

    'use strict';

    var scope;
    var $httpBackend;
    var $templateCache;
    var $compile;


    beforeEach(inject(function (_$compile_, _$rootScope_, _$templateCache_, _$httpBackend_, _$controller_) {
        scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
        $compile = _$compile_;
        $templateCache = _$templateCache_;
        $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
        _$controller_('RenewableByYearController', {
            $scope: scope

    beforeEach(function () {
        jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = 'base/spec/fixtures/';

    beforeEach(function () {
        var requestHandler = $httpBackend
            .when('GET', 'data/Renewable.json')


    it('expects true to be true', function () {

    it('proves renewables.getByYear returns index & expected object with string year', function() {
        var renewableByYear = {
            "Year": "2015",
            "Solar (quadrillion Btu)": "0.532293912",
            "Geothermal (quadrillion Btu)": "0.22367033",
            "Other biomass (quadrillion Btu)": "0.513842275",
            "Wind power (quadrillion Btu)": "1.8151574968",
            "Liquid biofuels (quadrillion Btu)": "1.2204771324",
            "Wood biomass (quadrillion Btu)": "2.059217456",
            "Hydropower (quadrillion Btu)": "2.388612049"

        var result = scope.renewableUtils.getByYear('2015');
        expect(result).toEqual({ index:2, renewable: renewableByYear });

    it('proves renewables.getByYear returns index & expected object with numeric year', function() {
        var renewableByYear = {
            "Year": "2012",
            "Solar (quadrillion Btu)": "0.227349746",
            "Geothermal (quadrillion Btu)": "0.211592042",
            "Other biomass (quadrillion Btu)": "0.466604262",
            "Wind power (quadrillion Btu)": "1.3393646844",
            "Liquid biofuels (quadrillion Btu)": "1.0906491156",
            "Wood biomass (quadrillion Btu)": "2.010265721",
            "Hydropower (quadrillion Btu)": "2.628701965"

        var result = scope.renewableUtils.getByYear(2012);
        expect(result).toEqual({ index:5, renewable: renewableByYear });


    it('tests that we can get a renewable object by Year from our controller', function () {
        var renewableByYear = scope.getByYear('2015');

    it('tests that we can get a renewable object by Year in our elfRenewableByYear directive', function () {
        var simpleFormatHtml = document.getElementById('renewableByYear');
        $templateCache.put('renewable-by-year', simpleFormatHtml);
        var element = $compile('<elf-renewable-by-year></elf-renewable-by-year>')(scope);
        var renewableByYear = scope.getByYear('2015');


Get By Year Page

Create a page called Renewable By Year. Allow the user to enter a year using an input control. Retrieve the user input, call your getByYear function, and display the year.

By Year

Figure 03: Enter a year, retrieve the data and call renewableUtils.byYear. Display the result in a directive.

Hear are some of the key steps shown in Figure 03:

  • Menu Item Title seen at top of page: Renewable By Year,
    • url associated with menu item: renewable-by-year
    • Make corresponding changes in app.js and index.jade.
  • Be sure that controller name is RenewableByYearController in renewable-by-year.js
    • The jade page associated with this controller should be called renewable-by-year-page.jade
  • In renewableByYear.js create a directive called renewable-by-year.
    • Use it to display the results of your call to getByYear
    • Jade Name for the directive templateUrl: renewable-by-year.jade.

This is a matter of taste. Nevertheless, when doing this kind of work, I find it helpful to keep my tests running and keep my app running in Chrome with the developers tools turned to the console page. I use the errors as I see as guides to help me see what needs to be done next, and what I have not yet done correctly.

NOTE: Watch the console and network pages in the Chrome developer tools carefully as you do this kind of work. Check, for instance, if you have remembered to load your new JavaScript page in layout.jade.

Iterate by Year

There are several ways to allow the user to iterate over the years in the renewables array of data. Here is one.

The input in renewable-by-year-page.jade could look like this:

input(type="number", data-ng-model="userYearInput" data-ng-change="yearChange()" min='2007' max='2017' placeholder='2013')

button.btn.btn-primary(ng-click="getRenewableByYear()") Get Renewable by Year



And handle it like this:

$scope.userYearInput = 2017;


$scope.yearChange = function() {

Rename getRenewable to getRenewableByYear and call $scope.getByYear in its last line.

Turn it in

The usual.

Suite Titles

Get the suite titles right for each test. They are

  • Simple Format HttpBackend Suite
  • Simple Format Fixture Suite
  • Simple Format Exercises Suite


In karma.conf.js be sure you are loading angular, angular-mocks and angular-route:

files: [

Charlie’s Test Output

As an FYI:

Elvenware Fixture and Template Cache Suite
  ✓ expects true to be true
  ✓ should find the index
  ✓ should have a getRenewable method
  ✓ should be possible to access the fixture
  ✓ tests template loaded through simple raw text
  ✓ tests template loaded through more complex raw text
  ✓ tests scope variable access in template loaded through fixture

Elvenware Simple Mocks with HttpBackend Suite
  ✓ proves we can run tests
  ✓ should find the index
  ✓ should have a getRenewable method
  ✓ proves we can detect request

Renewables Suite
  ✓ proves we can run tests
  ✓ proves we can get renewableUtils name
  ✓ proves we can get renewableUtils method called getItemCount
  ✓ proves we can get from renewableUtils a particular renewable object by index
  ✓ proves we can transform our json into a new array consisting only of years
  ✓ proves we can get our wood map
  ✓ proves our array of years contains the expected data
  ✓ proves we can transform our json into an array with three properties: geo, solar, and wind
  ✓ proves that getSimpleStringFormat returns the expected string data
  ✓ proves that getSimpleFormat returns the expected numeric data

Simple Format HttpBackend Suite
  ✓ expects true to be true
  ✓ tests simple-format directive loaded through fixture with httpBackend
  ✓ tests that we can index to the fifth element

Simple Format Exercises Suite
  ✓ expects true to be true
  ✓ proves renewables.getByYear returns index & expected object
  ✓ tests that we can get an item in simpleFormat by Year
  ✓ tests that we can get an item in simpleFormat by Year

Simple Format Fixture Suite
  ✓ expects true to be true
  ✓ should find the index
  ✓ should be possible to access the fixture
  ✓ should be possible to access the fixture and put real data in it.

PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Linux 0.0.0): Executed 32 of 32 SUCCESS (0.108 secs / 0.258 secs)