
Our goals are two fold:

  • Create an application that can either use:
    • a mock SimpleScienceData object
    • the Mongo based ScienceResource object.
  • Show how to use ExpressRoutes to retrieve HTML
    • And dynamically insert the results into our documents
  • Appending methods dynamically to an existing object.
    • We add new methods to the objects in our array of data
  • Show how to use ControllerAs in a directive
  • Learn more about querying with the $resource object and its custom URLs.
  • Mostly for fun, but also because it can be useful during development, lets have some of our tests be part of the our running program.

Sample output for tests

Step One

Download the starter project.

Note that it is similar to the project we used on Monday but we have renamed some methods in ScienceFacade to bring them in line with the Angular $resource object that uses MongoDb. In the list below, the original method name is on the left and the new name on the right:

  • getAll -> query
  • delete -> remove
  • update -> updateDocument

We have also added a method called assignMethods. Its purpose is to ensure that each list we create has certain methods available on it. Again, we do this to maintain compatibility with Angular resource.

A few additional changes were made.

Step Two


When we send a request from the client back to the server, it is routed to the appropriate method using the express Router. See, for instance, routes/index.js. Place the following in index.js:

router.get('/:id', function(req, res, next) {
  res.render('ScienceInfo/' +, { title: });

Create a new folder called: views/ScienceInfo. Place three files in it:


h1 Astronomy

p Astronomy is a subject


h1 Physics

p Physics is a subject


h1 Radioactivity

p Radioactivity is a subject

We can see the result of our new route by entering the following URL in our browser:


In order to invoke those routes from our program, we place the following method in our controller:

        myController.loadDocument = function() {
            $http.get('/' + myController.subject.toLowerCase())
                .success(function(document, status, headers, config) {
                    myController.document = $sce.trustAsHtml(document);
                .error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
                    alert("Somethings wrong")

The above code uses the angular $http.get method to send the request to the server. This is known as ajax. The method has parallel in jquery called $.ajax.

In our controller, you should call loadDocument at the end of the callback found in loadScientists and at the end of indexChange. In other words, when those two functions are called, they should ensure that loadDocument is called. This way we can see the document associate with each of our scientists.

Step Three

The directive.

Appended at the bottom of Control.js:

    app.directive('elfMarie', function(scientists) {
        return {
            controller: 'MyController',
            controllerAs: 'myController',
            'First: {{myController.marie.firstName}} ' +
            '<br>Last: &#123;&#123;myController.marie.lastName&#125;&#125;' +
            '<br>City: &#123;&#123;myController.marie.subject&#125;&#125;'

Step Four

The latest version of MongoDb Angular Resource. Put it in the public/javascripts folder and name it ScienceResource.js. (In MongoCrud, we called it resource.js. We have refactored the name, and modified it slightly. In particular we added the getTopic method.)

angular.module('Science', ['ngResource'])

    .constant('CONFIG', {
        DB_NAME: 'elvenlab01',
        COLLECTION: 'scientists',
        API_KEY: 'qfSxFoUGHBA1EuUlqhux_op2fy6oF_wy'

    .factory('scientists', function ($resource, CONFIG) {
        console.log('Scientists factory called');

        var scientists = $resource(
            '' + CONFIG.DB_NAME +
            '/collections/' + CONFIG.COLLECTION + '/:id', {
                apiKey: CONFIG.API_KEY
                update: {method: 'PUT'}

        scientists.prototype.getTopic = function(firstNameToFind, callback) {
            bar = $resource(
                '' + CONFIG.DB_NAME +
                '/collections/' + CONFIG.COLLECTION, {
                    apiKey: CONFIG.API_KEY,
                    q: {"firstName": firstNameToFind }
            return bar.query({}, callback);

        scientists.prototype.getFirstName = function () {
            return this.firstName;

        scientists.prototype.getLastName = function () {
            return this.lastName;

        scientists.prototype.getSubject = function () {
            return this.subject;

        scientists.prototype.add = function(newData, callback) {
            var scientistResource = new scientists(newData);

        scientists.prototype.updateDocument = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {
            console.log("update called");
            var idObject = {id: this._id.$oid};
            var updateData = angular.extend({}, this, {_id:undefined});

        scientists.prototype.remove = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {
            scientists.remove({id:this._id.$oid}, successCallback, errorCallback);

        return scientists;

Step Five

Now lets test dependency injection. In layout.js, swap out

Turn it in

Check your final working program into your repository in a folder called Week06-TestLive02. Press the submit button for the assignment and add a comment or two as appropriate.

Make sure your requests go against your database, not against my database.

There is no need to match the sample output shown below exactly. It is meant only as a general guideline.

Sample output for main page


Notice the call to getTopic:

   scientists.prototype.getTopic = function(firstNameToFind, callback) {
       bar = $resource(
            '' + CONFIG.DB_NAME +
            '/collections/' + CONFIG.COLLECTION, {
                 apiKey: CONFIG.API_KEY,
                 q: {"firstName": firstNameToFind }
     return bar.query({}, callback);

Go to the Network page in the Chrome Developer tools and see the URL this creates. Run the URL in the address bar of your browser.